Anonymous ID: 26e1a2 Sept. 4, 2021, 3:27 p.m. No.14521289   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For millennia humanity continued its descent into the lower realms of Earth, until many reached the lower sub planes of 3D. This occurred due to two things, lack of love, and abundance of fear.


The dark entities, mostly non human in origin, played their games very well, on and off Earth, in manipulating the human collective on many levels. They hand picked their human puppets to run the show on screen. While the masters worked behind the scenes.


Since the fall of Atlantis, all was done to keep humanity not only enslaved, but in the darkest mindset possible. Some of this was done through the will of participants, while some of it was done against the freewill of many. If you read or listen to messages from higher dimensions, they’ll tell you it was all done with prior agreement, however, I strongly disagree.


Fast forward a few thousand years, and here we are, on the cusp of the greatest paradigm shift the Universe has ever witnessed. I say the Universe for it is true, humanity and Earth have the attention of many Galactic Civilizations at this time, watching everything unfold here and now. They have been watching and assisting in immense ways. I have said many times, without their help, humanity and Earth would have long perished at the hands of the negative ET’s. This would simply not be permitted by the Hierarchy of this Universe, another Garden would not be lost, as it was on Lyra during the Galactic Wars millions of years ago.


The negative ET’s and their puppets have stopped at nothing in creating fear and chaos on Earth. There are two things they still fear most. One, being the human being becoming a realized creator, awakening to its true divine origins. Two, the humans of Earth being more open, finally knowing, and accepting the fact that they are not alone in this Universe, they have friends and family near by in the stars. The humans are descendants of these Galactic beings, hailing from the Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, Lyra, and so on.


The energies from the Galactic Center which have been blasting the Earth for many decades now, and only continue to increase in intensity, have changed the path of humanity, away from a destructive one, towards a peaceful future.


With these new energies, new alignments of the star bodies, template downloads, come higher activations of DNA, expansion in consciousness, and humanity remembering their natural abilities, such as telepathy, natural healing, teleportation, and so on.


The revealing of higher truths, including the existence of ET’s, humanity’s true origins, advanced technologies, and where this world is headed(upliftment to the 5th dimension), are to gain a much larger audience in the months ahead. As we stated above, the flow of photonic light from the Great Central Sun is only increasing. This is affecting everything on Earth at one level or another, including those who seem to be most asleep, their soul is nudging them to wake up. It is truly time for humanity to rise with Mother Earth, and shift into a reality of paradise. A world where light, love, peace, abundance, and unity are the dominant energies.

