651 is a Minnesota phone exchange, too, I think.
Nurses quitting to avoid COVID injections. Why? They are seeing what happens post injection.
Or..is the author postulating these are vaccine deaths? I think COVID jabs have killed at least 500,000 Americans and disabled millions more.
I have some hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle (3% food grade). I watched a video about nebulizing it to treat COVID. Since then I've sprayed a few sprays into the air a couple times a day and breathe it in. No claims that it is beneficial for sure, but I don't know that it has hurt me either.
Things still make sense in some countries. Medical murder tolerated in this country to an extent that no longer makes any sense.
Understanding why the medical industry kills the unborn (and others) is one thing. Tolerating it is another. Time to stop tolerating it. No need for violence but people need to be removed from offices.
So it becomes obvious that satanists do not hesitate to kill others in human sacrifice rituals. Why do some people hesitate to see that the "COVID jabs" are actually bio-weapons (murder weapons) designed to sacrifice humans on a global scale.
Good article.