University Administrator Encourages Students to Miss Class to Attend Segregated Anti-Racism Trainings
“Even if you have to miss class time, we strongly urge you to find a way to make this work”
Once again, the left’s agenda is being placed above the pursuit of real scholarship. This is what they care about more than anything else.
From the YAF Blog:
UTK Administrator Encourages Students to Miss Class to Attend Segregated ‘Anti-Racism’ Trainings
At orientation students were prompted to discuss if it was acceptable to call student Trump-supporters racists.
During an orientation for the Masters of Social Work program at University of Tennessee-Knoxville, students were advised to attend a series of segregated trainings in which white students would examine the crime of their color and minorities would be provided a “safe and supportive place.”
“Even if you have to miss class time, we strongly urge you to find a way to make this work,” Dean of Equity and Inclusion J. Camille Hall told students.
Prior to orientation, students received an email advertising the trainings. The email, obtained by Young America’s Foundation through the Campus Bias Tipline, advertised two separate groups, a White Accountability Group (WAG), and Black, Indigenous, Multiracial People of Color (BIMPoC).
WAG is for people with “white skin privilege,” according to the email. The purpose of the group is to “critically engage in whiteness, white privilege, and hold each other accountable.”
In contrast, BIMPoC is described as a “magical” and “safe and supportive place.”