In honor of bread title, one of the most goosebump-inducing things anon has ever witnessed
Just as with fauxNOnews, the enemies WITHIN are much more dangerous than the "other side" because we KNOW what the "other side" IS. Wolves in sheeps' clothing…
Was recently thinking about how many damned politicians there are -
Got 435 "Reps", 535 "Congress" critters, and 100 "senators". What are all of these people actually DOING besides working in UNISON while providing soundbites? Then saw Lin Wood's message:
Lin Wood Talk about smoke and mirrors. Read the comments by Marjorie Taylor Greene in this propaganda interview.
Wow! Not one word of criticism of Governor Brian “CCP” Kemp who has the power to call a special session of the GA legislature to fix 2020.
MTG says “others” should do the work for a GA 2020 audit. She cannot help because she was elected at the “federal level!”
“Of course being elected on the federal level, I’m unable to help them on the state level other than support them . . .”
What??? Are you kidding me???
MTG is supposed to represent We The People. She cannot fight for us???
I have repeatedly urged MTG to fight for an audit of the GA 2020 election. I have given her a chance to do the right thing. She is still not doing so. Marjorie is ALL talk and NO action. She wants others to do ALL the heavy lifting.
Then she urges you to vote in another rigged election in 2022! Disgusting.
Now I know why Marjorie supported Kelly “CCP” Loeffler over Doug Collins in 2020 for the U.S. Senate. In my opinion, Marjorie Taylor Greene is a communist. MTG is CCP.
Cold, hard TRUTH.
Drown her out in her next public appearance with shouts of “traitor,” “Communist,” or “FIX IT NOW!!!” Or ALL three. 
“Of course being elected on the federal level, I’m unable to help them on the state level other than support them . . .”
What??? Are you kidding me???
MTG is supposed to represent We The People. She cannot fight for us???
I have repeatedly urged MTG to fight for an audit of the GA 2020 election. I have given her a chance to do the right thing. She is still not doing so. Marjorie is ALL talk and NO action. She wants others to do ALL the heavy lifting.
Then she urges you to vote in another rigged election in 2022! Disgusting.
Now I know why Marjorie supported Kelly “CCP” Loeffler over Doug Collins in 2020 for the U.S. Senate.
In my opinion, Marjorie Taylor Greene is a communist. MTG is CCP.
Cold, hard TRUTH.
Drown her out in her next public appearance with shouts of “traitor,” “Communist,” or “FIX IT NOW!!!” Or ALL three.
From the latter link:
Hines: Is it your sense that there is momentum gathering in your state for taking a more serious look at this election through these audits?
Greene: Yes, because these people haven’t slowed down and they shouldn’t. You know they shouldn’t slow down.*That’s the reason why we have so many problems today in our in our country is there’s not enough accountability in government, and I believe in accountability, I believe in transparency.
So I really hope that they continue to keep pushing. Of course being elected on the federal level, I’m unable to help them on the state level other than support them and what they’re doing. So that’s why I continue to say that I support them and really hope that they keep working for this because it’s going to be very important. And The House just last week, The House passed the federalization of elections bill.
*'How about TOO MANY "politicians"? What do these people DO'' in "D.C."? Who pays their gov't salaries, (not including chyna & SOROS kickbacks for the majority, of course!)?