Anonymous ID: cc9e6e Sept. 4, 2021, 7:14 p.m. No.14522617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2701


Options - user JS

Add script below, then save. Don't click gifs.


(function($) {

"use strict";


  • Text Utils


class TextUtil {};

TextUtil.IMG_SELECTOR = 'img';

TextUtil.LINK_SELECTOR = 'a';

TextUtil.NEW_POST_EVENT = 'new_post';


TextUtil.POST_FILE_SELECTOR = 'div.file';

TextUtil.MEDIA_SERVER = ''

TextUtil.SYS_SERVER = ''


  • Wrapper for 8kun active_page variable to determine the type of

  • page the user is on.


class ActivePage {


  • Are we on a thread page?

  • @return {boolean} True if on thread


static isThread() {

return window.active_page == ActivePage.Thread;



ActivePage.Thread = 'thread';

class FixImages {


  • Construct an object to fix images


constructor(addPostEvents = []) {





  • Sets up listeners to run on certain events


  • Runs fixPost on new post events


_setupListeners() {

$(document).on(TextUtil.NEW_POST_EVENT, function(e, post) {




_fixPost(post) {

let pFiles = post.querySelectorAll(TextUtil.POST_FILE_SELECTOR);

pFiles.forEach(f ={

let links = f.querySelectorAll(TextUtil.LINK_SELECTOR);

links.forEach(l ={

// Don't replace unless the sys server can handle the request

let needsReplaced = l.href.match(/\/.*[a-f0-9]{64}.(png|jpg|jpeg)/);

if (!needsReplaced) { return; }

let href = l.href.replace(TextUtil.MEDIA_SERVER, TextUtil.SYS_SERVER);

let pngMatch = href.match(/.*([a-f0-9]{64}).png$/);

if (pngMatch) {

let hash = pngMatch[1];

href = href.replace(${hash}.png, ${hash}.png/${hash}.jpg);


l.href = href;

let img = l.querySelector(TextUtil.IMG_SELECTOR);

if (!img) { return; }

img.src = l.href;





  • Fixes any posts that already exist


_fixExistingPosts() {

let posts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(TextUtil.POST_REPLY_SELECTOR));

posts.forEach(p ={






  • MAIN


if (ActivePage.isThread()) { // Only setup if we are on a thread

$(document).ready(function() {

window.temp = {};

window.temp.fixImages = new FixImages();


