Still haven't figured out why Q said arrests were coming and elections were safe. Democrats are fucking America and laughing their asses off more than ever.
Q sucks ass.
Still haven't figured out why Q said arrests were coming and elections were safe. Democrats are fucking America and laughing their asses off more than ever.
Q sucks ass.
So it's part of the plan to lose the election and let satanists destroy America?
That's not really much of a plan…Lmao.
Trust Sessions…. Lmao.
Trump could have arrested traitors. He chose to give them a free pass. Now they are depopulating millions. Trump is either a weak coward or he was part of the NWO's plan.
Trump was never even capable of draining the swamp…he's way too weak and the Democrats weren't afraid of him.
Q has nothing but victories. The swamp has been drained and the deep state is no more.
Thank you Q!
Holy shit Q proof
Another 90 year old has died! Clearly this is the work of Q team. Trust the plan.
Alex Jones is Q
So much panic!
[Adam Schiff] has been in the brackets for three years now. He's panicking so hard because of Q team.
Anons we are witnessing 8D Chess…
Trump is winning bigly!