Dear US Military… You have not fought the correct enemy since WW1.
That's all.
Dear US Military… You have not fought the correct enemy since WW1.
That's all.
Dear Countrymen,
Fuck all of you. You were too lazy to act. You did nothing while many of us suffered. You stood by as our children were abused. You were too afraid to speak up. You were too cowardly to fight. Your life of comforts has made you weak and complacent. You are not free, and certainly not brave. You are an enslaved mass of consumers, desperate for your next paycheck and trendy product. You did not stop to help your brothers and sisters. You were not willing to sacrifice any of your many comforts to help your fellow countryman. And now, we the downtrodden and tyrannically abused Americans, care nothing for you. We will not come to your aid, either. We will let you rot, like you did to us and our nation. And you deserve what you are getting. Freedom is not free, but you thought you could have your cake and eat it too. You failed. You failed all of us. Now your hair is on fire and you want us to put out the flames. But you couldn't be bothered to piss on us, when we were engulfed in them…
How many of you "patriots", have defended the 2nd Amendment, saying it's not for hunting but to fight off tyranny… WELL? That tyranny is here, and is alive and well. Yet, we don't see those anti-tyrannical pew-pews of yours being drawn. No… Instead, now you make excuses. You claim you are "non-violent" (Our enemies are not so weak). If asked about your 2nd Amendment today, you'd likely say it's just for hunting… Cowards.
I am disappointed and ashamed of you… I'm embarrassed to call you my countrymen. You stand for nothing. And you fall for everything. You have no principles or moral code. You have no "red line" our enemies might cross to provoke you. You are simply ineffective and docile. Like cows in a field, surrounded by an electric fence made of smartphones. You have become degenerate and are riddled with vices and addictions. You are a walking billboard for the weak and conquered. (But you are proud of that ad revenue your bringing in, so it's cool, right?)
You allowed the third-world and more to flood the communities where your mothers, wives and children sleep and play. You destroyed us with your bleeding heart bullshit and misguided altruism. You, "Robbed Peter to pay Paul", you disgraceful, fools.
Tell us some moar of your platitudinal garbage, about how patriotic you are. About how great this nation is. Or, about how wonderful it is to be an American. You frauds… You snake-oil selling, charlatans!
What is great about (YOU)? Tell us…
What makes you so fucking special?
Your ancestors and founding fathers would be ashamed of you, undoubtedly… So, what are you so fucking proud of?
Fuck you and your non-existent plan… You can all die in a dumpster fire for all I care.
Fuck your children, too.
None of you helped my daughter and I, as we begged for help. She was molested, raped and abused for the last several years, while you WORTHLESS, pieces fo shit, did nothing but make fucking memes.
I hope ALL of your children face the same fate as my own now. And I will not help any of you, when your children are on these tyrants chopping block.
I hope you all die, horribly. And I hope your children suffer. You deserve exactly what you were comfortable allowing to occur to your fellow countrymen.
Land of the free? Haha… Home of the brave? Bullshit…
America is a playground for tyrants. Because it's citizens are nothing but weak, lying, delusional, frauds, who talk tough but cannot back up shit.
It's no wonder you are being exterminated from the planet. An antelope that does not run from the lion, gets eaten. A snake that does not successfully fight off the mongoose is dinner. Can a great bald-eagle, with clipped wings and no talons even be called a bird?
So, how can you call yourselves, "Patriots"??? What have you done? What are you doing?
You are cowards.
You are Americans.
Because I'm one man… Facing two corrupt police departments, corrupt family courts (where the judge is family friends with the child molesters), corrupt social services (that falsified records to cover up the abuse), corrupt Salvation Army employees (who resigned the day after hearing my daughter disclose being molested, again), and taking on court staff who are members and associates fo the NXIVM child sex-trafficking cult (that you wouldn't even know about if it weren't for my reporting)… And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Any more stupid questions, stupid?
That doesn't matter now… What matters now, it that I will do nothing when it's your kids getting raped.
Yeah… You've been "over target" for how many years now, you lemming, queer??? Haha
Still waiting to drop those "BOOMS", I see…
Fucking dummy.
Wait for it.
No I didn't allow anything… You don't seem to understand how this works.
But, I'm used to these types of excuses and defense mechanisms from cowardly Americans, who are really just selfish, rats, who care nothing for their fellow countrymen.
You should go work in law enforcement. You can shame victims and make a bunch of money for yourself, while continuing to be worthless to anyone and everyone around you.
Am I? Oh no… Is this going to be like how HRC, Podesta and Biden were fucked? Lol
Shut up, loser.
How many thousands of your countryman have died from violence while you are all being "non-violent"…???
Anyone know that number?
I thought ya'll were these great researchers. Does this statistic elude you, weaklings?
It's convenient to avoid the FACTS, isn't it, COWARDS?
I hear you, anon.
But there is no healing for us without justice.
And these worthless, losers on this site, sucking on hopium, will never bring that justice to us. Nor will any politician or corrupt law enforcement officer…
If we want justice, we have to embrace sacrifice… The only way is violence for us. The only way is for us to sacrifice our own lives for the sake of justice.
Criminals will not investigate themselves… And the innocent have no appeal, when the guilty hold the gavel.
To have justice, we must throw away our own lives, unfortunately. And miss out on a future with our children.
What other way is there?
Knives to the side of the neck work fine too.
Yeah, we know… None of you want to kill people who are killing your families and countryman.
We get it… You are "non-violent" (AKA: Worthless and ineffective in battle).
"Violence is golden." - Jack Donovan
Trump is a VACCINE SALESMAN… He was heavily invested in the vaccines before we even knew of the outbreak.
He is not your friend. No politician is. Wake up.
You'd like that, wouldn't you?… I'm sure you just love your echo-chamber of ineffectiveness and complacency here.
Of course not… These idiots are lemming, automatons. They do not think for themselves.
All that went away when r/The_Donald losers flooded these boards. There is no free-thought here. Just "yes men" for political actors.
REMINDER: The white population in America declined by 8% over the last 10 years in America.
But whatever you do, don't get called a "racist", guys.
If white people become extinct, we can handle that… But if someone calls us "racist", it's all over.
Who the fuck is "we", faggot? You don't speak for everyone here. In fact, you don't speak for anyone but your gay self.
YOU don't condone violence… Because you are a pacifist, pansy, faggot. Go put a tampon in it, you queer.
"Jesus" is a pallid Jew on a cross, the king of the slaves, who has convinced you (through Jewish deception) that it is in your best interests to "turn the other cheek" as your enemies rape and pillage your homeland…
But, you get a cool apartment in heaven when you die, right? Psssshhhh
WE who, motherfucker??? You mean the faggot who put that on the top of the bread, without anyone's permission, to try to steer you lemming morons into complacency and never actually doing anything to the tyrants bludgeoning you?
You are a brainwashed, child… GROW UP.
The story of Jesus is a solar-allegory, you retard. He was not even a real man. It is a STORY, written by the same rotten, deceptive, Jewish, child raping, degenerates, who are pushing communism on the world today.
You wanna be a man? Read, "Might Is Right", then put away your childish bullshit, and GROW UP.
Be a bigger nigger.
There you go with that "WE", again…
You realize you just prove you are delusional, when you assume everyone agrees with you, right?
Your Jesus is as fraudulent and ineffective as your worthless politicians and intel agencies…
But you follow them all, with fervor and glee.
How pathetic you are.
You don't even follow Jesus… You pervert his teaching.
Jesus resorted to violence when it was necessary. Even drawing a whip and assailing others.
Yet, you preach "non-violence' and sell it, like it's a promotion of Jesus. You are a fraud, just like your false God.
Jesus is LOST and a LIE. He has no eyes or ears and never did. Because he never existed. He is a made up character in an allegorical story. A story made for retards who cannot grasp the complexities of life.