Anonymous ID: 1a3485 Sept. 5, 2021, 8:22 a.m. No.14525327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5426

Biden IRS Sued For ‘Targeting Christians For Discrimination

September 5, 2021


This story was originally published by the WND News Center.


The American Center for Law and Justice, which only weeks ago warned actions against Christians by the Joe Biden Internal Revenue Service are starting to feel like “déjà vu, all over again,” now is going to court against the agency.


The dispute focuses on actions being taken by the IRS against organizations involving Christians, including one specific group called Christians Engaged.


In that case, the IRS put into writing the wildly untenable claim that the group’s beliefs about Christianity, the “sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, laws vs. lawlessness, freedom of speech, religious liberty, government and business ethics, human trafficking, fiscal responsibility in government budgeting, defense, borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations” all are “typically affiliated with the [Republican] party and candidates.”


The ACLJ confirmed this week that it is seeking court help in obtaining information about Biden’s IRS for its actions targeting Christians for discrimination


The “egregious” actions against Christians Engaged, including the IRS’ listing of “the organization’s beliefs in prayer and biblical values among the reasons in their letter for rejecting Christians Engaged from tax-exempt status,” provide “a clear example of the Deep State’s unveiled targeting of conservatives, all over again.”


Because of the attack on Christians Engaged, the ACLJ filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the IRS, demanding records pertaining to that decision.



Anonymous ID: 1a3485 Sept. 5, 2021, 8:38 a.m. No.14525368   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Text Messages Reveal 2nd Battalion 1st Marines Were Given “a Countdown” Before Kabul Airport Bombing – It Started About Two Hours Out – They Are Now Being Silenced

September 4, 2021


The US military knew there was going to be an attack at the Kabul Airport last week.


On Wednesday, August 25th the US State Department issued a warning to US nationals to avoid traveling to Hamid Karzai Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. The US told those waiting outside to leave immediately


On Thursday, August 26th a suicide bomber blew himself up near the Abbey Gate at the Kabul Airport killing 13 Americans: 11 US Marines, a Navy Hospitalman, and an Army Staff Sgt.




Following the attack, one Marine wrote a text message to The Raid Team. The Marine who was on the scene disclosed that there was a countdown before the suicide bomber detonated himself.


The Taliban allowed the bomber to get through the perimeter. The Marines did not allow the bomber to get through the inside perimeter. He was outside the gate when he detonated his explosive vest by the crowded Abbey Gate at the Kabul Airport.


According to our source, there were also reports of Marines who saw the Taliban laughing after the deadly blast.

Anonymous ID: 1a3485 Sept. 5, 2021, 9:16 a.m. No.14525537   🗄️.is 🔗kun





perfect example of why I dont post that guy here, never any sauce.