Anonymous ID: 82b863 Sept. 5, 2021, 7:09 a.m. No.14525045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5117 >>5118





This talk of files…

If I (as in me, myself, and I), could somehow see this/these “files”, I would be best, better than anyone else, at determining the by whom and to what slant the information in my “file” was compiled. Just that knowledge alone, would be the most powerful in equipping ME to defend myself from the horrid people destroying the civilization around us. We all would, especially those who currently walk around oblivious. It would be a WinWin for the philosophy of good, and anyone opposing such could easily be earmarked as an ideological Bad Actor.


Seeing such a “file” and comparing it with my own personal knowledge of my own life, would provide the best contrast to possibly comprehend the objective of the “file keeper”. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE ELSE, especially the File Keepers would be better suited to reviewing and analyzing such a file.


Reminds me of that brief period after the fall of the Berlin Wall, when East Germans were able to go to the old offices of the secret police, and finally see what spying had been done on them… and thus know with high certainty who in their own neighborhood and acquaintances had aided The State.


Yet, who could I possibly trust to hand me an authentic file or copy of such a file?

Anonymous ID: 82b863 Sept. 5, 2021, 7:31 a.m. No.14525117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5136


On that, anyanon want to share their own story?

Old urban legend goes, that a person could demand a copy of their personal file kept by the FBI, and that the FBI had to give it to them. Like i said, legend… never met anyone in person who had confirmation that any such was actually true.


The legend is tasty to good people, for the simple reason that IT SHOULD BE the way things would be in a good society with a good FBI doing good things… however, real world experience has and is continually showing an FBI NOT doing good, a society deeply sick, and people everywhere continually demonstrating untrustworthy traits either by intention, or from the effects of long term psychological damage.


Such a Catch22…

Anonymous ID: 82b863 Sept. 5, 2021, 8:18 a.m. No.14525315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5322 >>5324


More important, eh?

A global push to get the entire human population to accept a mysterious subcutaneous injection for an even more mysterious and unfounded premise, is less important than what?


Do tell.