0/3 women who get abortions are "Christians".
Even the Podestas don't do it to their OWN children.
You sick fuck for even suggesting such a thing.
0/3 women who get abortions are "Christians".
Even the Podestas don't do it to their OWN children.
You sick fuck for even suggesting such a thing.
Then drop the freaking out over John Podesta's sexual prefrences you prude. Come join us in Babylon. We'll wear pussy hats and get aids and abortions. Yayyyy!
End yourself degenerate. I mean seriously, take your own life, before you confuse anyone else that they should do something like take a childs.
Please. there are so many painless ways.
Good. Then we want them GONE.
Right. Making people who kill babies feel uncomfrotable is kinda our thing if you haven't noticed. Even more so if they are so sick and sadistic to do it to THEIR OWN baby.
I don't care if it's ONE FUCKING DAY. The contraceptive pill is murder.
The point is that right and wrong isn't about how we FEEL. If your an atheist, then I can understand you wouldn't care, because there is no right or wrong then.
But if that's the case, then there is no reason to waste your time here, let alone the risk. In fact, if that were true, than we're all FOOLS for not getting on the "Pizza train" full throttle, because hey it seemed like an effective way to get rich and powerful, right?
I've heard mixed things about Morrison.
The fact that he was murdered by the CIA doesn't mean he's a hero.
Drudge is another who could go either way, yes he's cucked in unforgiveable ways, and one would thing that's because he's a Jew and controlled oppo. But if you hear about what went on, he really pissed off some powerful people, including freaky witchcraft folks. Anyone hear heard about the drunk tweets and shit with LdR and what not?
I honestly believe he had his life threatened. Not an excuse, but I can see why he pumped the breaks after hearing about that shit.
The fearโฆ it's PALPABLE. I could bottle the fear of Jews like the bottle adrenochrome. It literally revitalizes me.
Does anyone hear know why it's an instaban for talking about t - o - f - s - e - e?
I think glowing mods are asleep so we can talk about something worthwhile.
Be careful. That gets you banned right now. Actually the first time it got brought up, the shills SWARMED here. What I'm asking is why?
It's because he and his wife adopted their child from one of those "under the table" brokers, which we now understand are big into human trafficking, but also it's just very hard to adopt a baby, if you want to adopt a white one so you look like you're actually related, it's like a 12 year wait list.
So this was easy and constant blackmail. He needs to be replaced while trump is still in office, it's too much a vulnerability.
That's what I meant. I mixed it with Orwell lol
I'm not a UKAnon but I've followed their sitch fairly closely. They have a magnitude of corruption that outpaces ours. They've been absolutely TERRIFIED since Trump got elected. And even over here there is lots of bad press about GCHQ and I remember when Theresa May came over as soon as Trump took office and was so shookup he was holding her hand and stuff. I remember the media hated that.
But I heard the royals just got a Twitter and told their lackeys to follow it, rumor is their comms are comped. If Anon's are saying shit looks like it's hitting the fan in the U.K. i'd believe it.
They are. The blood of Christ. As is the Orthodox Church. It's like, the cornerstone of Christianity bro.
He recently made some big speech talking about "Open Society Foundation" and how they have been found to have meddled in the U.S. election and many more and called for an investigation into all the MPs who have taken money from him.
That's the last I've seen of him.
This troll doesn't have even a BEGINNING understanding of Christianity. You will be a better troll if you brush up on it a lil. A LOT.
THOSE digits. With THAT heresy!
I think you need to see an exorcist. Woah, I feel bad for you, if THAT would've just happened to me, I wouldn't be able to sleep for like weeks.
I believe it's a backup plan for him to quickly get U.S. citizenship and perhaps better protection if shit really, REALLY hits the fan and there are pitchforks etc.
Dude, we CAN'T let that go. Heretic blasphemes the Blood of Christ and rolls a TRIPPLE SIX!?
I honestly feel bad for him, I don't like to even LOOK at the number. I close windows and throw away receipts and won't like a Tweet that has that number, and DUDE ROLLS IT WHILE BLASPHEMING THE CORE TENENT OF CHRISTIANITY.
Bro, if you can learn anything from this, and now I'm saying this sincerely. Brother, if you can learn anything from this, it's that Christianity IS NOT about a BOOK! It's about a sacrifice. A real, legitimate, sacrifice poured out for you, His REAL body and blood, each time. If your "church" doesn't teach that,
And if you have a problem with that feeling cannabilistic, then you can leave with the rest when Christ dropped this bomb on his followers about his flesh and blood. Or you can be like Peter. When the others left in disghust, Christ turned to Peter and said, "Will you leave me too, Peter?"
And he said to him. "Rabbi, where will I go?"
https:// www.catholic.com/tract/christ-in-the-eucharist
I don't believe they've ever achieved it.
Haven't we learned how badly these guys fuck it up? If they had the ability to clone people, they'd do it again and again, they couldn't stop themselves. Obongo's clone would escape or something and then all hell would break loose. Etc. No way do they have clones. They'd get caught. As Q reminds us.
These people are so stupid.
I believe she was on the run from the royal family when it happened. She probably almost escaped. It was probably their best shot at that point.
If I didn't love my neighbor, I wouldn't be here up at 4 in the morning worrying about him.
Sometimes tough love, is true love.
Look into the origins of Christianity. It's not about a book. But even if you want to learn it from the book, check out what it ACTUALLY means, as interpretted by the fathers of the chruch, not some hick "born again" bastardization of the truth.
If your "worship service" seems more like a pep rally and motivational speaker, then you should go back to the beginning and contrast and compare. I know these contradictions have been eating away inside of you for some time.
I came from where you are.
Are any of the UK anons still in this thread?
I noticed B is still on Twitter as of 30 mins ago, this is super late she normally keeps human hours.
And she just tweeted this:
I'm hearing to expect resignations starting in the UK today.
"โฆthose that don't will be hit the hardest and without mercy in the public eye once the press becomes free."
I wonder if he escaped. Fear is he would be quickly returned to his captors and any witnesses killed.
Christ is about so much more than cheap slogans and cringey cliches'
I came from there. If you have anything even approaching a sincere faith, you will look into the origin of the Church. And it will look nothing, NOTHING like an Evangelical's.
Well than you're going to have to throw out the book of James too if you want to keep it consistent with your bastardized heretical "theology" but who's counting. I mean Luther already threw out 6 and wanted to throw out James for the same reason you do, but who's counting.
I guess this Schumer Shutdown was a massive, massive fail. I didn't see it as that big a deal, but their base is stark raving mad, in a RAGE over him caving. And I think there's a lot more to it. Whatever leverage Trump has on Schumer, it's like:
"I say Jump, you say "how high?" type of bad.
Trump-Russia is deader than dead. They were pivoting to "Mentally Unfit" for a reason.
These guys are in so, so much trouble.
I believe Q's saying:
is for us, referring to the Martial Law we were eager to see as a quick solution. After all, he just hinted about an Assassination plot. That is Martial Law, don't pass go don't collect 200 dollars. There are theories that we are already there. And it makes sense.
General Dunsford.
Not familiar with Sandringham before Christmas. Is that a thing?
Yes, I was pointing out that B was talking about the UK, and mentioned that the fact that she's up so late, first time I've seen it, makes me think it's a big night. I think an Anon made fun of my "logical deduction" there but I was just pointing it out.