Time we talk about Adm. Rogers.
>Anons hate NSA for collecting pics of their tiny weeners
>Obama Appointee
>Q drops 40k ft redpill
>Tells us how smart and good we are
>Autist splooge everywhere
>Q says Adm R not comped
>He played the game to remain in >control.
>Now Anons love Adm R
>Adm R retiring soon
>Think Logically
What part of the game that Adm R played and how did he not become comped. THE FUCKING WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME IS TO MAKE SURE POWER IS COMPED. Didn't J Molesta know NSA is critical to control of the game? Could he possibly make a miscalculation of this magnitude?
>NSA director is traditionally .mil
>No comped mil?
>Calculated risk by cabal?
Did Adm R just play:
chain of command?
Then why is he retiring now and who will take his place?
And who will head new Cyber Command?