Simply the bestest
omfg I am such an idiot…I fucking wnet online to formally make an FBI complaint against henry Kissinger for raping me in 1974 and now my entire computer has been compromised…DUH FUCKING STUPID ME. ALL of my everything has been erased, hidden, compromised…wtf Why did I do that!
I'm kinda really scared..I only got back here to this board through a million fucking jumps. I don't know why my accusation against HK would be so fucking crazy to THEM, I honestly don't!
I mean, Hillary eats babies so Henry fucking a 7 year old in 1974, why would that fucking fuck them up?
This is what I wrote in telegram: Renee A, [05.09.21 19:28]
Whatever, FBI. WE know you are corupt tot he core and YOU cannot stop me from demanding justice for the CRIMES that have been done.
After I realized what they had done to my computer…how could they have deleted ALL of my book marks and history?
ya, you will not have heard the last of me as I speak for ALL those YOU have not.
mthrfckrs, I will find you