interdasting. His other son was freed a few years ago.
Saif has the goods on a lot of people. Not sure about the other one. Could be related to the former French President Sarkozi. He is facing prison for taking Gaddafi money before he invaded Libya in 2011 with Hillary
either way, I am sure Hillary is not sleeping well tonight. These guys know what happened. THey paid off our corrupt politicians, then those policticians rewareded them by invading Libya
and don't forget, the guy in charge of most of Libya *(trump talked to him on the phone a few years ago) General Haftar, lived for 30 years in Virginia
Colonel Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam walks free from prison just one year after he was sentenced to death by a Tripoli court for war crimes
Saif al-Islam has been freed and will face no more charges, say lawyers
The 44-year-old was sentenced to death last year in Tripoli for war crimes
Son of former Lybia leader Colonel Gaddafi still wanted by The Hague
Freed in accordance to Lybian law and retrial would be double jeopardy
PUBLISHED: 05:42 EDT, 7 July 2016 | UPDATED: 03:01 EDT, 8 July 2016