The music is called On the Nature of Daylight. But why is it so melancholy?
The audit is not killing people. The Covid scam is.
Yeah, the Covid stuff is repetitive but how else to reach the normies?
Perfectly logical deduction, anon. Normies don't act on logic. That is the dilemma.
> take over the airwaves and broadcast
Yeah, like in V for Vendetta. Too bad real life is more complicated than the movies.
On the other hand, maybe Q could do exactly that. How do we know that is not the plan?
Perhaps that is how this whole pandemic scam finally comes to an end. It would be like an Act of God.
>They just LITERALLY accepted my statement of Trump as fact and when I said it was actually Obama..
They're programmed to jump to conclusions based on who is the subject or who is talking.
Damned mystifying.
> I genuinely cannot fathom how 25 million people cannot see the disconnect between the rules and regulations put upon them by their government
I don't get it either but I suspect that the pot has been set to boil with the lid firmly tamped down.
>free beer
Is that "free" as in "costs nothing"? Or is that "free" as in "anybody can drink it"?
Belarus is cracking down on their dishonest media like the rest of us should be doing.
We keep saying that the powers-that-be want a social conflagration in order to justify martial law.
Fine but are we just supposed to take the punishment until there is no way back? An explosion is exactly what the situation calls for. Best way to deal with a bully is to go loco on his ass. I know because that's how I handled a few bullies in my youth.
>Having to stab a loved one that is vaxxed with a wood stake in the Brian won't be fun.
I once had a dream that my brother was a zombie. I whacked his head against a cast iron radiator.
I'm ready for the zombie apocalypse.
Isn't that what we learned from The Matrix?
Humans despise utopia because there is no challenge.
>Then Oprah will turn to camera and tell us how we can help Bill. How we must combat Zombophobia.
I watched the first two seasons of Fear the Walking Dead. The theme of "saving the zombies" came up a couple of times. People believed that they were the next step in human evolution (it's complicated, kek).
So sick and tired of hearing Trump talk about vaccines.
They're safe and effective? Oh my God, please stop this!
Didn't mention any names. He praised Operation Warp Speed as usual.
>Maybe heโs not interested in leading anymore, at least in the capacity of POTUS.
Q never said that Trump would remain in the position of POTUS. Maybe he has another role to play.
I was always under the impression the he only ever intended to run for one term.
>This might actually be good to focus normies on the evils of both abortion and satanism.
Abortion is real. The Church of Satan and the Satanic Temple are grifters.
We need to find the real satanists rather than pointing fingers at the limited hangouts.
As a Canuck, I would like to apologize for our prime minister, Jerkin Pussy Trudeau.
He is an embarassment to all of North America.
On the other hand: you are watching a movie. What makes a good movie?
One of my cats loves to listen to and watch the rain. Gets wet trying to get a closer look, kek.
I have 4 pets waiting for me. Sniff.
>Hollywood scumbags think lilly white Newsome is superior to Larry.
In a boxing ring, who would win? Betting on Larry. is redirecting to