>>14531748 LB
Aka: Orcatech
Orcinus orca 136)19
131 3_2
Hey hey hey, it’s fat… orc…ogre 12
b+t_A)+l+b_e+r_A (happy days restaurant run by Mr Miyagi -‘s)
3 6 1 2 3 4 5 7
Where can I find the arbiter of what are & are not Anon character traits?
I have precisely zero interest in assigning character traits to others.
The best team consists of individuals w/ wide ranging skill sets, experience & demeanor.
Let me know how that works out.
Only if there’s a reason for the rock to be at the top of the hill.
Love won, God won.
I’m doing my best calling out those attempting to define the behavior or Anons.
If we must.
Guess how many fucks I have for what you think.
Worked it out & posted.
Maybe it’s time to learn something new rather than attempt discredit via ridicule.
Yes, calculate letters for first last & at least one additional identifier.
Birthdates are good, similar to the info on a driver’s license.
More ¢ for your pocket.
More ¢ for your pocket.
Won’t figure it out. Zero fucks for the ass hat calling me “lil kitty”.
I’m goal oriented.
A blank picture is worth zero words.
I didn’t explain a blank picture, I put zero value on it for being blank. Kinda like your mind.
Kinda like your mind-blank. That’s a state of being not a location or a point of fucus dipshit. Thanks for the confirmation though.
>Where Is My mind…
Idk, go find it.
A King George got the hot poker treatment in the tower of London, maybe, been a long time since I read that.
Catching me may be a nightmare for you.
You get paid for being a jackass or is that your natural state?