Only person anons know that came from Polk County was Finkel/Einhiorn
Who was talking about eating dirt? Maybe all that money for Haiti coulda gone towards nutrition instead of stealing babies and kids? Seems logical, no?
Better get the innocents out of the way. Ccp will “pull it” just like that dumb fuck said about the Trade Center.
Never have been married. Wish anon was. Will never wander nor waiver from that again. Too painful. The cycle and circle comes back to get you. Never want that again. Even if it’s at a pub and just being dumb. NO MORE! wife first. Family first.
Dubs of infinity
They don’t want us to get well. They want us to suffer. Would give anything for a jump-start that is good at this point.
Bunch of Canucks using maple leaves as eyebrows for Justin seems hardly and a long shot anywhere near American beer. Perhaps some anons can donate some public hair and his handlers can glue them on Castro Jr’s face. Then we can talk
Anon is just a candle stick maker. Dip candles by day, dip candles by night. Old schoool. Low income. Short bus rider. BUT anon could pick up on the psychological warfare being perpetrated the whole time. From bewbs, even. They steal our energy. It’s spiritual. Forget all the rest of the horrors. Just bewbs alone. Warfare. Fact
Wanna share that so badly on social media but will wai a few days so it gets passed around before making a strategic strike kek