Sia - Music Video "Thunderclouds" (Decoded)
The video starts with a closeup of an owl with glowing red eyes, that serves as an hood ornament. So we immediately know, that the car is owned by a freemason/member of another dark secret society. Later we see the "third eye" painted on the door and backside of the car. It symbolizes awareness/open Minds Eye.
A puppet clown (CIA=Clowns In America) with Sias hairstyle, who has strings attached to him (controlled), spots a small thundercloud (dangerous lightning=hit? and rain/water=info) with a looking glass. Rain/water (info) is threatening, because in this context rain represents damaging info that could e.g. reveal the identity of the agent. Decoding @Symbols explained this by showing pictures of the Bushes, seemingly being unable to pull a rain cape over their heads. It sends the comm, that they can't protect themselves from damaging info.
He stands on top of the flying hippie car and seems to serve as a lookout.
Sia (played by Maddie Ziegler) also notices the thundercloud through the window of the car and climbs on top of it to help the clown. Heat and light hinder her from taking his hand and the clown vanishes. From this point onward Sia takes his place on top of the car, with a new outfit. The big blue loop on her head are visually reminding of Mickey Mouse ears. I think they serve the same reason as the looking glass did for the clown: improving senses to be a good lookout for threats. She makes some dancemoves where her arms are seemingly yanked upwards by the elbows (strings attached).
The driver of the car is Diplo, who wears a hat (job comm). He controls the car and Sia (psychic driving symbolism). Labrinth is also a mage who flies sitting on a cloud next to the car. When the car is out of fuel it sinks out of the sky and Sias energy is also depleted, another hint that she is connected to the car.
The group gathers around a campfire at night, while Diplo is checking the engine of the car.
A small thundercloud chases Sia around and the other members of the group witness a magical flower fully opening and Diplo nods in approval. We see it from behind, so it's hard to identify the specific flower. Because of the next scene, I think it symbolizes Sias enlightenment.
Sia learns the Magic of symbolism by playing cards with the thundercloud. She does not fear the thundercloud anymore and seemingly has befriended it. Labrinth flies up with his cloud and meets a butterfly (butterfly effect = a small action, like a butterlfy flapping its wings, can lead to a great consequence, like a storm). Labrinth harnesses lightning from the butterfly.
Labrinth brings the power down to the group and Diplo uses a bat (Decoding @Symbols identified the bat as a symbol for Trump, because of sports comms - read on his Blog for further explanation: almost at the bottom) to transfer the power from Labrinths cloud into the engine of the car.
edit: I am not sure if the Bat can symbolize Trump outside of complete sports comms. Maybe it is too far fetched?
Gaining power from (maybe) Trump and the Storm (remember: The calm before the storm?) implies that the group flipped over to the side of the patriots. They don't have to fear the thunderclouds anymore, since they most likely won't get hit with damaging info. As a consequence they start their car again and fly right through the storm. Sia dances on the roof again, but she is not attached to strings, she rather uses magic to send out lightning strikes. Labrinth helps the group to make it out of the storm.
Sia turns around and is happy and sad at the same time. She parts in love from the small thundercloud. Now it finally rains and the group witnesses the whole land becoming green. This symbolizes the effect of declassified info on the world: The beginning of a prosperous golden era of truth.
So, like the lyrics say: Don't be afraid of the thunderclouds, even if you have trust issues for a good reason.
I hope you enjoyed this short ride. It seems to me that Music Videos are I really nice start to practice decoding. Please don't refrain from correcting my errors or add something. I'm eager to learn. Have a great day