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Religious Exemption
To whom it may concern,
This email is intended to serve as a basic outline of my religious beliefs and convictions on the matter of not receiving a COVID or any other injection which is mandated now or in the future by this company.
I believe that my body is actually the temple of God. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 6:15 and John 2:19-21 KJV)
I believe that my body is healed, maintained, and preserved by the intake of healthy foods and following the natural diet laid forth in Leviticus 11 KJV.
I believe that there is Spiritual Power and LIFE in my blood (Leviticus 17:11 and 17:14) and injecting foreign chemicals into my body would cause harm to my Spiritual link with God. When I stand before Him, as every person who has ever lived will, I want Him to say that I was a good steward of the Temple (body) He gave me (Luke 42-44).
One can see that I have included supporting passages from both the Old and New Testaments as I believe both writings are valid and true.
I need no church or pastor to validate or verify my Strongly Held Beliefs.
I live my life, as best I can for we are all sinners, through the Living Word of God.
I ask that you forward this email to whatever person(s) of authority can exempt me from this injection as well as any and all future injections and preserve my employment status.