Cruised through notables. Didn’t see it. Anyone have the gheyTube link to embed for 45’s interview last night. Had family stuff going on and missed it
Cruised through notables. Didn’t see it. Anyone have the gheyTube link to embed for 45’s interview last night. Had family stuff going on and missed it
That’s a collection of old interviews. Appreciate the effort. Anon can’t find it. Saw the embed yesterday and the chat was going wild two hours before it was habbening. It was a thumbnail on Fox of Trump and the implied firebomb with flames behind him as he was walking like he was fucking shit up
Thought so too but all I’m finding is a circle jerk where the Five is just reading tweet questions that couldn’t possibly be any dumber.
Could Dana Perino be any more lifeless? It’s like an empty meat suit with no soul. Kinda like my ex
Dang. The link with the interview is dead. Thank you, anon for the effort. Whatever that phone call interview was was probably super awesome last night.
Win by any means necessary. All assets deployed. Wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to use a gorillion tug boats to try and pull CA off towards Chyna
Saw an interesting deep fake of Fauci. Is there proof he is even still around? Do we even know what we see is real? Rhetorical. Each questions leads to many more questions.
“It had to be this way”
Everyone, from micro to macro, had to get uncomfortable. It was the only way.
>long wait
What else are we gonna do? What was the other option? Many anons forget. The other option was extinction of the human race while a few satanists hid underground while the earth burned
>10 page long banner. Kek
Same, anon. I can still smell the all the motors working hard, paper, and ink
Thanks to relentless anons helping find the interview from yesterday. Anon thanks you.
“If you kill a soldier or an American it’s gonna be a bad bad week (for Taliban).”
Classic. Anon is appreciative that anon doesn’t have to make a “call” to bomb or kill anyone but could facing that enemy if anon was the last person on earth that could do it. Balls of steel, 45. We effin love you
45 speaking on Milley
“Cheaper to leave it behind”
What the fuck? Anon could move it for much cheaper, too if given access to the resources to do it. It’s pretty simple. When asked by the interviewer “is it by design?”
45 dodged it but it is by design. Everybody knows it. I know it. You know it. The whole world knows it.
Dang, anon. This anon just went from 6-to-midnight, limp-to-hard. That’s hot
Currently listening to 45 from yesterday…
He clearly emphasized “7-up”
What’s that about!?
Ask anyone with an IQ less than 20 and they could’ve called the eff bee eye was running the nazi groups and white supremacy groups. Can’t blame them if their effort wasn’t to undermine the Country and create a false narrative. If it was just to catch real radicals that’s fine. It never has been. They want drama to push agendas
These stories baffle me. Anon would like a “scheme” where anon works and uses anons brain in exchange for monetary compensation. Some call it a good job or career. How do these people get so greedy? Anon just wants to pay for kids to be homeschooled and that would include paying all of ex’s expenses. These pricks
Anything coming out is to disrupt Bin Salman’s efforts to rid his land of cabal and destroy the alliance with the US. Whatever happens is an attempt by [them] to destroy the new relationship