Part 1 (of 3)
What advantage would there be
in leading the world to believe Gain of Function was achieved?
1) - Fauci could be thrown under the bus.
(they KNEW eventually they would need a "fall guy")
2) - The world would still believe the "fiction" that it is a VIRUS - (that works)
even though examination of every single angle seems to argue that it does NOT.
Bear with me.
I still think the pandemic is simply the Flu.
I think there was never a pandemic, but what Fauci and co-conspirators did was to cause initial / bizarre simulated outbreaks through either; fear & propaganda (exacerbated by intubation procedures and toxic drugs like remdesivir and MAB drugs etc.)
Or even through actual targeted area spraying of something toxic like sarin (which mimics acute infectious respiratory symptoms) or …by some other nefarious means.
(If you think that sounds conspiratorial - You're right. It is -
However - If you dismiss what I'm saying because of that, then you haven't been paying attention.
Because this entire thing IS an actual conspiracy.)
But I don't think —for an instant— that these people actually know how to create a real scientifically provable Virus. All they have is a computer similation. This is actually from their OWN description of their methods.
We know this because all They have EVEN NOW - after all of this - is still nothing but computer simulations and lots of complex lab procedure "descriptions" which end up being really just nonsensical hocus pocus — but absolutely NOTHING that is actually provably VIRUS by any scientific means other than their Precious PCR and Computer Algo simulation predictions….
Additionally — they have lots of previously FAILED attempts at virus fear-mongering — like swine flu, zika, ebola, hanta, etc etc.
THINK: None of THESE … None of them actually worked as a Stand Alone Virus NOT without accompanying the "said virus" (including HIV) with massive amounts of PROPAGANDA Mendacity and FEAR MONGERING …and none of the said viruses actually "worked" clinically and NOT a single ONE even now– can be proven using actual scientific method.
This one did not WORK either. Check actual death records and co-morbidity and look at all the rampant LYING that had to accompany the hospitalizations and deaths in order to simulate appearance of a pandemic. This tells us the story of a "Leaked" virus is also bullshit.
Why would they want us to think that? I mean it's really backhanded and backwards. Pretending they are trying to keep us from finding out it was an experiment in Gain of Function. Why would they want us to think that?