PSBSR Bitches
Any moment now
PSBSR Bitches
Any moment now
Just checking in. Any guestimates about Sept. 18 FF event?
You mean LOSBR? Yeah me too I looked to find a weapons system PBSBR but nada.
Big Boomin Tennessee
Haha yes, funny debate point right there. If we are just sitting back minding our own business, and they are the ones buzzing around like hornets trying to pester us…..then how are we the conspiracy theoriststs?
SR= Seth Rich?
One of the head-scratchers in this awakening is the persistent absense of the next platform. Nothing ever became of Odin, also POTUS' promised platform never showed up. Everybody and their brother is promising 'safe' platforms, from Lindel to JOS, to Beadles.
There is surely enough money between Trump and Mike Lindell to have launched a kick ass platform over the last 2-3 years. Of course it takes time, takes money, takes an army of people, all of which they could have done.
The fact they have not makes me question why. I thought awakening everyone was the key. Are we moving too fast? They needed it to drip instead of flood?
She could replace Kenny on Southpark
>Taking large doses of ivermectin is dangerous.
They are killing people with blatant disinfo. Taking large doses of most anything is dangerous.
PSBSR, man
I know I just read a headline that MOO was already in 49 states. See, poof they can make shit happen just by saying so anon.