Anonymous ID: 7b680d May 17, 2018, 11:20 p.m. No.1453887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3975 >>4178 >>4443 >>4490

Good day dear faggots,


so the main man dropped this:



Which is a picture with the shuttle called x2.png. Begin a tale that is going to play out exactly like we are used to. What's x2? x-2 is a spaceship in a ride down in disneyland at their epcot place in orlando, its probably some sort of lizard lounge, couldn't say as i've never been there. The basics of it are that its a deep space vehicle that boasts some impressive technology that is currently being developed today (as far as we are being told).


By the way Carly Fiorina was at the opening of this ride, so was Eisner, and she is about as dirty as they get. She starts at at&t selling phone service to big government agencies and then she went and headed Lucent i think. After that I think she gutted HP under the direction of Mike Hayden of the NSA (just a guess). The aftermath of her tenure looks to be a lot of jobs moved overseas, a lot of intellectual property lost and a lot of competitive advantage given up to companies that are encouraging it all. And there's a fiasco with her selling some servers to NSA and she says some bullshit about how she just hit up the truck drivers to reroute them because they just happened to be ini the process of shipping of a bunch of servers to retail stores that also happen to be the kind the NSA was after and muh 9/11 happened and she was super paytriotic and did what was needed.


but back to the main plot. https://


So it just says in the article there that the big man "hopes" we get to Mars by the end of his first term. By now we are seeing that the odds of something happening seem to go way up whenever Trump even just whispers about it so I think the message we are supposed to be getting is "hey, this is your technology. they stole it and wave it in front of you by letting you ride a fucking ride at disneyland instead of getting to enjoy the benefits of the space program you paid for."


And i think the message to them is the same as the phone one. We are at the places where you build your toys, we know your phones, your satellites, your comms. Anyway, we may have to start tolerating the ayylmao crowd a slight bit more.

Anonymous ID: 7b680d May 18, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.1454279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4289


You are also a fucking idiot who didn't anonymous correctly and you seem to have the opinion that we should just trust the parts of the plan you approve of. fuck off

Anonymous ID: 7b680d May 18, 2018, 1:52 a.m. No.1454486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4493


"The futuristic X-2 vehicle is a three-stage rocket which is said to use several technologies in development today, including aerospike engines, solid hydrogen fuel, an aerobrake, and carbon nanotubes." - thats from the wikipedia on the x-2