Anonymous ID: 83dfa9 May 17, 2018, 11:23 p.m. No.1453897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3923

Sooooo based on several CrazyDays&Night drops it's appearing that ole Spielberg may end up being of the same 'persuasion' as Jerry Sandusky…I was skeptical at first, but there have been multiple posts…


Sooooo the next question becomes, what's George Lucas' deal?

< This quote becomes much stranger in hindsight…


The Cabal must have something on Lucas if you can convince the guy to sell fucking Star Wars to another company…


If Spielberg is at some point implicated then all Pop Culture bets are off at that point…

Anonymous ID: 83dfa9 May 17, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.1454018   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I have to assume that ALIENS are used as a Carrot for the lower-level Elite like Hollywood-ers, Podesta Bros, etc: "keep doing shit for us and we'll show you Aliens"


In order to continue to do awful things the Carrots must be multiple..aside from outright Blackmail, Cabal members must be being offered Secret Cosmic Knowledge, Secret Historical Knowledge, etc…possibly even 'Eternal Life'


I'm guessing that's why Pop Culture has sucked so much the past 10 years ( like new levels of suckiness I didn't think were possible )…b/c it's hard to find ppl to do 'deals' bc the secret knowledge is just on the innernet if you care to look