Anonymous ID: fb9068 May 18, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.1454179   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

For anyone wondering what's going to happen to the FED, please see below what MegaAnon posted last year:


"Like the FBI and CIA, they won't go away, they will just be drastically gutted and their functions/authority will be reeled back in. They've abused their power, just like the Fed and once gutted, restructured and repurposed back to the restored and originally intended roots of their functions/purposes of serving the people, you won't even recognize them as the same. There are already plans in progress and there have been for decades on the Fed. This isn't the first time to the rodeo for many of the people Trump has brought on and worked with on this. The dollar nor the economy will collapse when the Feds last strings are pulled. This is another reason I don't do dates or timeframesโ€ฆ no one successfully pulls the rug or plug out from any of these things without advanced planning and strategic rollout. This is why things you should want and expect to be done well, can and should take a while and be done with precision to ensure success, not catastrophic failure."