where genius pioneers, mediocrity will always follow.
welcome to QR 2021.
ABC News
Nearly 252,000 children in US test positive for COVID-19 amid back-to-school season
so the virus is mutating
alpha beta gamma delta epsilon eta theta zeta iota kappa lambda mu omicron persei 8
into more and more benign iterations.
to the point that a quarter of a million school children
with healthy, properly functioning immune systems
are infected with 'rona but don't know it
so they aren't quarantining
and spreading the relatively harmless mutations
and therefore test positive
when mandatory testing is invoked.
the positive does not mean contagious; it means they have had 'rona at some point in their lives and developed antibodies. as humans do.
this is being spun as a dangerous escalation of the pandemic, threatening our next generation
who have to go to school this year
unlike last year.
to force the vax.
side note: one of my staunchest TDS friends
got called a Trump supporter because she won't vax
CodeMonkey Hannity