Anonymous ID: 9596e8 Sept. 8, 2021, 9:28 a.m. No.14541097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1168 >>1214 >>1597

Bannon War Room10am - 12noon

Wed Sept 8, 2021


USA has run outta money.

Fiscal yr ends Sept 30 - regime is all jammed up.

Richard Barris - was with us on election night, told Steve dems would steal election in wee hours

Biden Approval Rating sucks - CAP

Biden is struggling to hold onto his 75 percent of his voters. - CAP

Anytime a Repub carries the popular vote - it's a landslide.


Madcow last night - day after Labor Day is important.

Biden approval ratings put Dems on high alert.

1994 election - Gingrich Revolution for Repubs. - CAP of Clinton elected with minority 43 percent due to Perot run


View CAPS here -




Seth Keshel on AZ -

it's a RED state

Net new votes in AZ - CAP

Closeness of several AZ races - CAP

Mind boggling that could certify elections based on these numbers

Never looked at.

Navarro's dictum: "IT's the CANVASS not the COUNT."

Why are they so afraid of a canvass?

Liz Harris will talk about why.


View CAPS here:




Liz Harris - has worked thru a CANVASS

independent of full forensic audit


DOJ has threatened to get involved in AZ Audit

Pamela Carlin signed the letter (?) - snarky.

Letter sent to Karen Fann - it's about canvass


A full forensic audit has 3 parts: recount, analysis, canvass

They are petrified of a canvass - WHY???


Started with dead voter project, turned into a canvass

Went to the homes of voters - CAP

datavase doesn't match voting rolls - Nov 30

Finchem asked "what do u need?"

Set up operation since DEC 2020 to canvass

What method did you use to vote? etc - CAP

Custom app was developed/donated.

They don't take money.

Calls of volunteers - phones blew up.


Discussion of training of volunteers.

Took a random sample in Maricopa Co. and partials on several others.

Went door to door asking the nine questions. (cap shows just six)

Most people were receptive, thankful.



the no they interviewed was 4570 people.

canvassed people that were all reg voters

34.23 percent that were not supposed to have voted said THEY DID VOTE.

These are LOST votes.


View CAPS here:




View CAPS here:






Bannon -

Three parts to a valid audit:

  1. got thru ballots forensically

  2. canvass

  3. check machines


Liz Harris, con't.


Ghost votes - FINDINGS:

96000 votes could NOT have been cast by the voters they were attributed to.

Example of a "RETURN TO SENDER" ballot for several elections - in 2020, person who received KEPT the ballot - was still voted on.


Fulton - in Fulton Co, won't allow a CANVASS. BC is will get them dead to rights.


Seth Keshel -

given the numbers in Maricopa, election CANNOT be certified.

Not just Pres race, but six state races.


Canvass is what petrifies the DOJ-






Bannon -

Biden Approval has imploded so rapidly bc he didn't really win.


Boris Epshteyn

Prelim analysis of Liz Harris canvass datavase

This information is absolutely EARTH-SHATTERING.

We need a FULL canvass in Maricopa and Pima and Penalt (sp?) Counties

We're talking about empty lots and other problems.

Game changing info.

This was old school cheating from the dems.


Bannon on DOJ letter - everyone should read.

Mess in GA - when u get to the canvass in Fulton Co, game over.

Philly - they do NOT want a canvass.


Epshteyn - Canvass vs Count

Canvass is much deeper - it's the meat.

First time Repubs have said "Enough" on election fraud.


Matt Braynard Look Ahead America

Sept 18 gathering - he's the one calling for it on behalf of political prisoners from Jan 6, terrible treatment happening.

fighting the dem narrative about cops getting killed - never happened.

"We're going to get what we want, one way or another."









Jason Miller, CEO of GETTR

@jasonmillerindc on Gettr

Story of being detained at the airport in Brazil.


In Brazil, their Supreme Count has major league power.

Miller was there is visit CPAC Brazil but interrogators wanted to know who he knew on the ground in Brazil. At that point, he started invoking the American embassy and a lawyer. They wanted him to sign a letter in Portugeuse. He wouldn't do it. Wouldn't tell him much - secret investigation.


Leftwing politicos in Brazil are part of a larger worldwide movement to defeat grassroots, populist movements.

Bolsonaro is fighting against great odds.

But yesterday, there were HUGE demonstrations supporting him.








Liz Harris CANVASS - not final but preliminary results

lost votes = 173000

ghost votes = 96000

JUST Maricopa

Trump lost state by 10000


She has been helping about a DOZEN states get their canvas going. - CAP

One question - what method did u use to vote?


Seth Keshel

You wanna talk about intimidation?

We've been told for 10 mos there's no proof? Harris just showed up the proof.

Maricopa Co should be decertified.


Will there be a public presentation of this info?


Now we'll be letting the whole world know.


Keshel - my number for Biden votes in AZ was 207000; estimates there are several hundred thousand votes that "don't belong"


Mike Lindell

see next page








Mike Lindell

The corruption extends to all 50 states. Even in states that Trump won.

Many states that didn't think there was corruption are open.

"Trusted Build" - Dominion's effort to cover their tracks from 2020 election.

Starting with COLORADO. They are trying to get rid of Tina Peters.

More next week on Warroom.

We have before and after. It's too late for Dominion to do a coverup, too many forensics audits are starting.


He's visited 5 states and they want to replace the machines and do an audit.

in one state, 23000 people voted from a phone no at a prison!


We really need hellp with all the whistleblowers right now.





Anonymous ID: 9596e8 Sept. 8, 2021, 9:32 a.m. No.14541130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1161 >>1170


>Really, who gives a flying fuck whether the media calls us Q followers or Qanons?


Yes, Q mentioned but no big deal, really.

Just a wedge used by shills to disrupt the board, excuse to start messing with the General Image - longtime tradition shattered. Which is what shills do: undermine board culture to destroy morale and split anons.


Re QANON used by media:

I compiled 2000 anti-Q articles at a time when it was still unclear who was targeting us in the MSM.

Was GREAT that msm talked about QANON.

Made it 1000 times easier to compile database of anti-Q articles for 18 months.

Anonymous ID: 9596e8 Sept. 8, 2021, 9:41 a.m. No.14541192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1210 >>1217


Here is the problem:

It's all up to board managers to set limits.

Nobody else has the power to make them stick.

When BO is seldom here and BVs are either absent much of the time or abusive, nothing will change.

Ok to express frustration - and good to make anons (and visitors) aware of what is going on, but image boards are not designed to be democratic so if those in power don't agree with board users, only option is to either persuade them to change or to leave.

Anonymous ID: 9596e8 Sept. 8, 2021, 10:49 a.m. No.14541595   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it's all part of the same thing, just like in an organization

in a well-run org, all participants work together to do whatever is necessary for the welfare of the entire org

it's a cooperative effort


on a board like this, anons, bakers, bo's, bv's could work together

anons have asked bo if anons could be bv's

think what that would mean - quick response to misnumbered breads, deleting dups, better info, less spam

because anons are right here to make changes

over 1000 at any given time

but he won't do that

why not?


cleanup was asked for after anons complained to Q about no help from bv's , lots of thread stealing and confusion deliberately created by oss to mess up the board. BO probably allowed it be he hated the kitchen and let oss do the dirty work for him with help from bots and shills,


Reprise is not just for you but newfags who don't know the history.

Anonymous ID: 9596e8 Sept. 8, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.14541681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1683

from qr, nice post:


Anonymous  09/08/21 (Wed) 10:53:52 8d2262  No.14541624

ABC News

Nearly 252,000 children in US test positive for COVID-19 amid back-to-school season


so the virus is mutating

alpha beta gamma delta epsilon eta theta zeta iota kappa lambda mu omicron persei 8

into more and more benign iterations.

to the point that a quarter of a million school children

with healthy, properly functioning immune systems

are infected with 'rona but don't know it

so they aren't quarantining

and spreading the relatively harmless mutations

and therefore test positive

when mandatory testing is invoked.

the positive does not mean contagious; it means they have had 'rona at some point in their lives and developed antibodies. as humans do.

this is being spun as a dangerous escalation of the pandemic, threatening our next generation

who have to go to school this year

unlike last year.

to force the vax.

side note: one of my staunchest TDS friends

got called a Trump supporter because she won't vax