Anonymous ID: 672f96 Sept. 8, 2021, 8:09 a.m. No.14540573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0575

Whats ironic about the Gematria aspect used , if ever, here….then you would know The Society of Jesus runs this show, Catholic/Jews… and Trump is a Jesuit like it or not… Trump went to Fordham University


And on the subject of ‘prophecy’ you should know it sums to 666 with Jewish Gematria, similar to how ‘three nails’ equates to 666 with Sumerian Gematria. At the same time, ‘IHS’ sums to 36 with Simple English, the acronym in the center of the Jesuit logo, just above the ‘three nails’, and 666 is the 36th triangular number, not to be confused with ‘Jesus Christ’, summing to 151 with Simple English, the 36th prime number.


Ahead, when we discuss the Clade X pandemic simulation, you’ll come to understand why it was really carried out May 15, 2018, 666 days before the coronavirus pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020, proving Anthony Fauci correct, the Jesuit, who said at the Jesuit university Georgetown, this would happen, to the Jesuit educated president, Donald Trump, on the date of January 10, 2017, a date that can be written 1/10, similar to how ‘prophecy’ equates to 110 with Reverse Simple English. Qanon = 666 in Satanic Gematria also


Trump’s run for President, where he announced from his 58-story Trump Tower that he was running for the 58th U.S. Presidential election, the influence of Kabbalah will become overwhelming. Even further, when we get to the part about the hiring of 58-year-old Steve Ray to lead the ceremonies for the 58th U.S. Presidential Inauguration


Alphabetic = 8+6+2+1+8+7+4+7+9+6 = 58 (Reverse Reduction)

Phoenician = 7+8+6+5+5+9+3+9+1+5 = 58 (Reduction)

Zodiac = 26+15+4+9+1+3 = 58 (Ordinal)

Celestial = 6+4+6+4+8+7+9+8+6 = 58 (Reverse Reduction)

Star = 19+20+1+18 = 58 (Ordinal)

Stars = 8+7+26+9+8 = 58 (Reverse Ordinal)

Solar Cycle = 8+3+6+8+9+6+2+6+6+4 = 58 (Reverse Reduction)

Calendar = 3+1+12+5+14+4+1+18 = 58 (Ordinal)

Gregorian = 7+9+5+7+6+9+9+1+5 = 58 (Reduction)

Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58 (Reduction)

Fraternal = 3+9+8+7+4+9+4+8+6 = 58 (Reverse Reduction)

Secret Society = 1+5+3+9+5+2+1+6+3+9+5+2+7 = 58 (Reduction)

Solomon’s Temple = 1+6+3+6+4+6+5+1+2+5+4+7+3+5 = 58 (Reduction)

Herod’s Temple = 1+4+9+3+5+8+7+4+5+2+6+4 = 58 (Reverse Reduction)

Tracing Board = 2+9+1+3+9+5+7+2+6+1+9+4 = 58 (Reduction)

Jerusalem = 8+4+9+6+8+8+6+4+5 = 58 (Reverse Reduction)

Craftsman = 6+9+8+3+7+8+5+8+4 = 58 (Reverse Reduction)

United States = 3+5+9+2+5+4+10+2+1+2+5+10 = 58 (Reduction, S as 10)

Washington = 5+1+10+8+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 58 (Reduction, S as 10)

Scottish = 8+6+3+7+7+9+8+10 = 58 (Reverse Reduction, H as 10)

London, England = 6+3+4+5+3+4+4+4+2+6+8+4+5 = 58 (Reverse Reduction)

We The People = 5+5+2+8+5+7+5+6+7+3+5 = 58 (Reduction)

Power = 11+12+4+22+9 = 58 (Reverse Ordinal)

Pagans = 16+1+7+1+14+19 = 58 (Ordinal) *Think about Christian / Pagan overlap


To add to the knowledge bank, modern Freemasonry traces its roots to the Rosicrucian Order, which means Rose Cross, where the Rose symbolizes secrecy.

Rosicrucian = 9+6+1+9+3+9+3+3+9+1+5 = 58 (Reduction)

Rose Cross = 9+3+8+4+6+9+3+8+8 = 58 (Reverse Reduction)


Theres so much its not even the beginning . But People should be aware of who really started this movement, whether or not us anons align with "them" or not.. Every day in the news things like numbers used in an article or names can always be traced back to rituals done every day by the numbers.. date numerology and and dont just plug in random mumbers like people do on gematrix…that not how to draw relationships between dates of events peoples ages and there names…

Anonymous ID: 672f96 Sept. 8, 2021, 8:09 a.m. No.14540575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0587


"On the subject of 42, and how

the beast in Revelation rules for 42 months, do I dare mention that

‘rockstar’ has Reverse Sumerian Gematria of 666? This becomes all

the more fascinating when you recognize that ‘vaccine’ sums to 42

with Reverse Pythagorean Gematria, and Bill Gates currently operates

his personal foundation out of Seattle, Washington, located in the 42nd

state in order of statehood. As we also learned, ‘vaccination’ equates

to 666 with Sumerian Gematria, so consider how perfect it was to do

such a thing to one of the world’s first “rockstars,” on the ‘TV’, the

latter being the acronym for the mass mind control instrument that

sums to 42 with Simple English (T is 20 and V is 22), that was

broadcasting to nearly the entire world in 1956. For one last point on

the number 42, on ‘May’ 1, 2020, one of two months having gematria

of 42, it was reported that Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, became

the first person and pharmaceutical company working on a coronavirus

vaccine to send a trial vaccine to Anthony Fauci, the ‘Jesuit’, at NIH,

after just 42 days. Let us not forget that Fauci has been the head of

NIH since 1984, or that ‘Jesuit’ sums to 42 and 84. Personally, this

detail reminds me that in the Clade X simulation, vaccines are rushed

to the consumer, and are ineffective. For your own sake, imagine

rushed vaccines causing even more problems in terms of health

consequences and loss of life due to coronavirus, or in the next

contrived pandemic. It’s fair to imagine, because it has happened

before and it appears to be happening now.

Coming back to Elvis Presley’s October 28, 1956 vaccine

infomercial on Ed Sullivan’s show, the result of the ritual was very

impactful on the U.S. populace, especially for teenagers, who prior to

Elvis Presley’s televised needle jab, had been resistant to being

vaccinated for polio. In large part, this was because of the reported

problems with vaccines, including accidental deaths, that had halted

polio vaccinations temporarily in 1955. Another part is people don’t

like needles. However, after Elvis lent his arm, perceptions changed

rapidly, especially due to the fact that a number of other celebrities

followed behind Elvis, championing the cause of a healthier world

through preventative medicine such as vaccinations. For another point

to consider, the polio vaccine had become available to the public on

the date of March 26, 1953, more than three years earlier, and up until

that point, had mostly only been utilized by parents of infants, with "

Anonymous ID: 672f96 Sept. 8, 2021, 8:11 a.m. No.14540587   🗄️.is 🔗kun


….babies being the group most at risk of being infected with polio. Let

us not overlook the date, March 26th, or 26/3, like 263, the 56th prime.

If you’re asking if it was Jesuits then, the likely answer is yes.

Consider that the first encyclical Pope Francis wrote, was written with

the subject, ‘On care for our common home’, summing to 263 with

Simple English, connecting to the fact that both ‘Society of Jesus’ and

‘pope’ equate to 56. That encyclical was dated May 24, 2014, the

144th day of the year, connecting to ‘Jesuit Order’ and ‘time’. In the

next chapter we’ll talk about how Tom Hanks ended his coronavirus

quarantine 263 days after his July 9th birthday, a man also born in ‘56,

along with his wife. It is to say that these numbers and trademarks are

rituals of the Jesuits. And as we know, ‘Jesuit’ also sums to 42, and

their logo, the sun, reminds a bit of where Elvis Presley, who departed

at 42, laid down his tracks, at ‘Sun Record Company’, summing to 78

and 84, the same as ‘Jesuit’. Keep in mind Elvis was 21 years old at

the time of the vaccine ritual, and ‘Jesuit’ sums to 21 with

Pythagorean, similar how the number written out as a word, ‘twenty

one’, sums to 42 with Pythagorean Gematria.

In addition to the date of October 28, 1956, and the number 42

linking the lives of Elvis Presley, Jonas Salk, and Bill Gates together,

there is one other common quality, and that is religion. Each of the

‘three’ men came from Jewish families. In the case of Elvis’ family,

his mother was buried with the Star of David on her casket, and it is

the symbol of ‘Zionism’, a word equating to 42 with Pythagorean

Gematria. Of course, it is Jewish people who predominately practice

gematria, and as we learned, it was the Jew Diego Laynez, who cofounded the Jesuits, one of seven founders, reminding us of the 7

continents and the 7 days of the week, a number that connects colors

and sound, and a number that 42 is divisible by.

For one last point on the Society of Jesus, reminding us of the

42 generations to Jesus, the same society that is the Jesuit Order, that

operates by the code, and kills by the code- Elvis Presley as well as

Aretha Franklin died on August 16th, the 228th day of the year. This

matters because the word ‘death’ sums to 228 with Sumerian

Gematria. Furthermore, the name ‘Sun Record Studios’, with its Jesuit

matching gematria, where Elvis recorded, sums to 228 with Reverse

Simple English. This pairs with ‘Martin Luther King Jr.’, summing to

228 with Simple English, who died in Memphis, the same as Elvis, in

what was also a Jesuit ritual

Anonymous ID: 672f96 Sept. 8, 2021, 8:18 a.m. No.14540635   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, reported receiving letters

containing anthrax poison, where the postmarks for the first letters

containing anthrax were dated September 18, 2001, the date in history

that the cornerstone for Washington D.C. was laid, and the date the

New York Times was founded, who also happened to be one of the

media networks that reportedly received a letter. This date is curious,

because September 18th was precisely 87 days after the Operation Dark

Winter simulation had ended, and ‘anthrax poisoning’ sums to 87 with

Pythagorean Gematria