Codemonkey says to watch Whoreroom at 10am WTF am I looking for in regards to this PSBSR? I swear if it turns out to be “use promo code PSBSR for up to 60% off at” I’m gonna be fuck’em pissed!
Insofar nothing but a circle jerk on the WhoreRoom!!!
Pillow Break — so far interesting news about a preliminary canvass that took place
I’m starting g to see why clown niggers are starting to shit their pants…
THEY ARE FUCKING NUTS if they think ANY Patriots are going to show up in DC on Sept 18th SMDH
Now I see why CM turned off comments on Telegram he would have gotten BLASTED for this nothing burger stemming from a preliminary canvass…
Agreed it’s not a nothing burger, just venti g because it’s not as explosive as promoted to be…
I take back my nothing burger comment, the canvass is extremely important and is huge.