The Murdaugh family represents a microcosm of political corruption currently undergoing karmic retribution
Based on all the evidence this anon has read thus far, I hypothesize generational child sexual abuse in the Murdaugh family indirectly underlying the mysterious deaths surrounding them. It would explain why underaged Paul when drunk would turn into his violent alter ego “Timmy” and take off all his cloths down to his underwear. It would also help explain the rumors that his older brother, "Buster", had a sexual relationship with the gay kid found dead in the street back in 2015. The family housekeeper knew too much about the family's dark secrets, which likely resulted in her “fall” and the wrongful death payout to her family. Alex, the spoiled father and secret opiate addict, along with the eldest son, Buster, likely paid for the hit on Paul and his mother back in June to avoid losing the whole family estate in the civil suits against Paul for the wrongful death of Mallory Beach. Mediation between the Murdaughs, Parkers, and Beach families had failed and the case was going to trial just 3 days before the murder of Paul and his mother. After discovering millions missing from the Murdaugh law firm’s accounts and Alex being forced to resign, he and his son and/or brothers staged the superficial head shooting of himself on the side of the road (4 days ago) in an attempt to deflect guilt and draw sympathy from the community.
I find it fitting that the Murdaughs were corrupt life long Demorats, you know, like the Clinton’s, Obama’s, and Biden’s, who like their Rhino criminal co-conspirators currently destroying America from within. Thus, the Murdaugh family represents a microcosm of political corruption currently undergoing a karmic retribution as the people watching experience a Great Awakening.