548 watching the most popular president ever
79 million 999 thousand and 454 of his voters are NOT watching
go vote
joe is whispering again
548 watching the most popular president ever
79 million 999 thousand and 454 of his voters are NOT watching
go vote
joe is whispering again
worst econemy ever when i came in
thanking bernie for more medicare in his new bill
need to get kids in school by age 3
guess whut guess whut companies need to pay more
more whispering
legalize dreamers
i can't travel because -covid
all electric cars coming
he sleeps with a union member
teamsters, teachers ibw calling out by name
ida bad unions good
press is skeptical of unions (what?)
green new deal
supposed to stop and walk out of the room
shaking hands no mask
no questions
potato leaves room
empty spots
only face stocking to appear more full
supply does not last until the next truck
trucks must not be as full or people are stocking up
"i thought we were heating up!!!"
that was 1990s global warming (tm)
thats out
just like global cooling (tm) from the 1970s
"shilling for climate change"
now any 5 degree change in temps from yesterday is "climate chamge"
are you hot today? to cold?
its climate change !!!
did it rain to much today?
or no rain this month?
its climate change !!!
riots? pandemics? bad tv reception?
its climate change !!!
got a potato installed as your president?
that one probably IS climate change
"now - next year"
they are not even playing the two weeks
or soon game anymore
it will all be revealed before the 2034 midterm elections
trust us
not any more
soros is mad
blackrock will sell us out for a lower % of the cut than soros?
the chinks threw soros under the bus?
are the posts disappearing or not showing up at all?
yesterday some posts were showing up later-in the next bread in some cases
a long time after the timestamp that was on the post
made following the post numbers wacky too
the horse paste is the one people buy for several reasons
readily available at farm stores
an easy weight based dosage
it has no other ingredients like some of the other types that have combinations of other drugs
one tube will do several doses for around $10
some of the liquid versions come in such large quantities you could dose half a small town- or a feedlot of steers
"i have a gallon and a half of ivermectin"
well then you can cure the whole town
if you can get them all run through the chute