The Latest Update by the CDC Is a Blatant Attack on Our Culture, Civility and Morality
“You can change the course of your life with your words.”
“The invisible hand of language change (structurally-motivated change) can create an environment for change, which is then helped along by a certain social group adopting that change, and using it as a social marker.”
Language is one of the most critical elements of civilization. Language defines the mores that define civil boundaries and peaceable existence. Language is an incredible art and equally defines heroism and instills resolve.
Language has been hijacked, manipulated, tortured and twisted to support perversion of basic civilities. Language has become “plastic” in today’s upside-down culture. Previous vocabulary is used to communicate opposite concepts that it did in the past. The ancient prophet reveals this is not a modern phenomenon. “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah).
Historical anecdotes abound showing how a twisted language misdirected, misled and manipulated a population to unimagined actions. A manipulated language has led many nations to a destructive cycle. The troubling consequences of a national speech leading to deprivation, manipulation and erasure is aptly stated, “My people have exchanged their glory for that which is of no benefit” (Jeremiah).
I grew up in the heyday of the Russian propaganda machine. There were two major sources of Russian State approved news. There was “Pravda” (Правда, which means “Truth”—hence the subtle message was that only those in the State could tell you the “truth”). The other publication was “Izvestia” (Известия, meaning “The News”—only the approved State releases presents the real news). A number of other publications attempted to publish, but the totalitarian censors quickly isolated and terminated these independent sources because they were threats to the State’s control. In that era, America was incensed that such blatant censorship was practiced and urged political forces to address and punish such inhumanity.
Those involved in analysis of the USSR’s evil found Pravada and Izvestia very informative as a means of discovery of the Soviet tyranny, activity and influence. The Soviet media language was crafted to frame the State as the total source of truth and all opposition as anarchists and troublers.
The sobering reality is that the manipulation of language did not did die with the dissolution of the USSR. This manipulation of language is a historical constant. The action has existed from the beginning of time and will continue until the end of time. Evil is relentless in manipulating with twisted vocabulary and directing populations into paths that surrender freedom.
This is why “freedom of speech” was a foremost concern of our Founding Fathers. However, this concern has become subservient to an agenda of the Elite Rulers in our nation. Two examples are here presented and the reader can quickly add more. My focus is on the CDC’s edicts that are being viewed as binding legislative rules.
The first manipulation of free speech—MASKING. This has been discussed often but the modern editors of Pravada USA and Izvestia USA have decided the opposition must be silenced. Masking (aka “face diapers”) has been opposed with TRUE science for at least the past 12 months and new studies have only shown the CDC/NIH mandates are useless regarding the COVID-19 virus. But the CDC has released a new advisory update on masking at schools of 2021. “Updated to recommend universal indoor masking for all students, staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.”
Welcome to Pravada USA and Izvestia USA where TRUE science is cursed and the “new” scientific method is embraced—conclusion and warnings can be issued with the cavalier whim of the Director…no lengthy studies, no verifiable test group, no consistent results. All is changing. “Science,” in the COVID19 environment, is unstable and its counsel is undependable. The BEST that CDC/NIH offers is “regardless of vaccination status,” “a negative may not be a true negative and a positive may not be a true positive”! Now citizens are told to have absolute, unquestioned confidence that these people know what they are doing—a manipulative vocabulary!