Here is the problem, I'll state the obvious…
Cheated and corruption…
They know (don't care)
We know…
They know that we know…(don't care)…
Why don't they care???…because still after 10 months since they cheated the election…and it has been exposed…NOTHING HAS HAPPENED TO "CORRECT IT"…and…THEY KNOW NOTHING IS "GOING TO HAPPEN"…
What's that saying about "just spinning our wheels" or "beating a dead horse"…NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!…
Sept 18 rally, they will do another "FALSE FLAG" whether we GO or NOT…and blame it on Patriots or Q-Anon's or some other PATSY group…why would they do that…because the F_I can do anything they want and patch it over to Congress/MSM and it will be all over the NEWS…can't beat the NEWS agencies…
The NEWS/MEDIA agencies need to go down first…other then that we/us are just WASTING OUR TIME…