Anonymous ID: 0bfabd May 18, 2018, 5:47 a.m. No.1455306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So after an entire month of a majority of the FEshills went to their own board and used their HIGH IQs to centralize their intelligence and memes they come back with the same shitty 'infographics' and memes and anons are engaging them again; mocking them like they deserve. The clowns probably notice that the FEshill bots get more replies since their other shill attempts are ignored/easily spotted by how they gloss over the issues. FEshills still cant get it through their high iq computer brains that without removal of the cabal/pedos there will never be full disclosure, their priorities make them glow.

From one anon to another, please go back to your FEboard created just for you to solve the worlds most important mystery.. in your mind


>Jesus sees money changers selling 'sheep' outside government offices/temple. Literally flips out and starts tossing tables. Bolsheviks don't get to hide in the victim group they created with their puppet hitler. Local mockingbird satellite station is shilling hard for royal wedding and says Markle's father had health issues and not the photo shoot. Also they said the crowds will be able to get closer to the royal couple than ever before. Think the queen gives a shit about Ms. Markle and the grandson whose mother she killed? I hope all vans of peace are accounted for before they are Franz Ferdinand

Anonymous ID: 0bfabd May 18, 2018, 5:54 a.m. No.1455328   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Be Israel

>Puppet states win WW2, Israel no formed

>lol no capital still, guess we will settle in NYC

>Fed Reserve giving out loans to us

>Buy/trap US puppets

>enjoy the protection

>send more goyim to deaths for anyone who can pay

>No one can criticize because of the 6million US dough boys saved, no one knows what bolshevism is #winningthePublicEducation bracket

>People begin to notice

>Use puppet Presidents to promise to make Jerusalem capital




>blood cults created as controlled opposition to give the puppet nations a target to create levant begin to swarm

Israel getting their own capital to defend in their own country is the best thing for them tbh.