Anonymous ID: 20fc27 May 18, 2018, 5:59 a.m. No.1455344   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It begins with teachers. They brainwssh the teachers, dumb them down (as if they aren't already dumb enough) and send them out to educate our children. What do they have a degree in? Teaching. Not economics, not English, not math. Teaching. Not a subject matter. All education majors should be required to earn a degree in a REAL subject matter or they don't even understand what they're teaching. I can't teach someone…physics since I have zero formal education in it other than some high school courses.


Anyone who has been to a university in the US knows that elementary education and even secondary education majors are stupid. Incredibly stupid. Elementary education majors are the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of standardized tests, GPAs. I'd see el ed majors dancing drunk on the bar on Wednesday nights. Posting on Facebook about their sexual adventures ("I love my boyfriends dick"). Half of them fail the basic skills test. Stupid begets stupid.