Anonymous ID: 3f0e43 May 18, 2018, 5:06 a.m. No.1455148   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Check in after a good night's sleep to see the flattards promoting their retardation in record numbers. We allow this obvious shillslidepsyop to infect our Qresearch board, it's a disgrace to the fine job we're doing here to have such an obviously flawed worldview in this day& age. Fucking retardation of this magnitude taints ALL the good research done here in the eyes of normies. Wish you fucking idiots would die a horrible death for your shitting up so many breads with your puerile fantasy. NASA lies, but the reason is not that there's a conspiracy to hide the shape of the earth that would require half the world's population to be in on to make it even remotely feasible, but because it's a money funnel to black mil projects. The leap of faith required to go from NASA lies to FLATTARDERY is mindboggling & requires a shutdown of mental faculties tantamount to a lobotomy. GTFO of here with that fucking nonsense you shitslide fucking retards, we SEE you glow if you're an agent, or SEE your retardation if you're a useful idiot. THERE IS NO FUCKING GREY AREA HERE



I have filtered most of you & this post wil draw out the rest of you cocksuckers.