Anonymous ID: 5b8569 May 18, 2018, 3:04 a.m. No.1454712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4739 >>4787 >>4994 >>5097 >>5233



Ive noticed 2 pretty reliable indicators of a [187] to cover false flags that cause my suspicions to be raised immediately…


1) Instant omniscience with cause/motive, etc. In 'real' murder / suicide / murder-suicide / overdose etc., investigators never immediately speculate what happened because they could very well be proven wrong in short order. They investigate for weeks, run tests, etc. Speculate incorrectly and you're in hot water


Think Seth Rich … within (minutes) local residents (crisis actors?) spouting pretty much verbatim the 'robbery gone wrong, this neighborhood has had a lot of robberies lately'


  1. Character assassination / discredit the victim, so anything they had said previously can be immediately discounted (and prevents martyrdom). In this case it's the (murder of his spec needs daughter to convert Mr Beilman from highly successful pillar of neighborhood to thug/villian status)


In 'get rid of a witness/187' ops the black hats 'need' the sheeple to just accept itthe narrative and mentally move on as quickly as possible - waiting 2 weeks for tox tests could cause them to question a weak narrative; therefore the narrative writers skip the investigative process and throw out an easy-to-accept story for the masses


These are not 100% but close enough . Now you will start seeing through the fake narratives when someone is killed by the black hats.