Anonymous ID: 83cfc8 May 18, 2018, 6:07 a.m. No.1455380   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Great fucking shit slide of Niagara.

Can the flat Earth idiots not contain themselves in the slightest? I thought I could get pretty far off base from what Q was posting about… But when in the hell did a picture of the space shuttle translate into flat earth?


Everything is absolutes with you god damned morons. "It's a pear shape, not a perfect sphere!" … Have you idiots deigned to read a damned astrophysics journal or blog? No one in the field thinks the Earth is a perfect sphere. Mapping gravitational and density anomalies is part of the job some satellites have.


Q posts a picture of a shuttle in a fucking museum and we have idiots clamoring to investigate the thruster arrays as if some kind of secret code… Which is whatever - but then to tack flat earth onto that as if it is the only possible interpretation of Q's post is abject fucking stupidity.


You fucksticks pumping this shit should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves. Go sit in the corner and study some physics and what it is the world actually fucking believes before you start attacking a straw-man projection of a set of views that most grade school children have grown beyond.