Anonymous ID: 99d3ef May 18, 2018, 5:50 a.m. No.1455321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5331 >>5332


What are you talking about? BO can look at my IP and see I don't post about FE even though I am a FEer. Point is this, and the reason why FEers are so passionate about posting on here, is because the alien agenda is predicated on a globe earth, think deception of the highest order. The ancients knew the earth was not a ball. Even NASA astronaut said it is pear shaped, bulging at the bottom. When was the last time you saw a pic of a pear shaped earth, rather than those perfect cgi marbles? Expand your thinking!!!!! as Q would say. Your brainwashing is deep indeed. That is what FEers are trying to tell you on these boards.