Anonymous ID: 9a3e84 May 18, 2018, 4:24 a.m. No.1454976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cosmic Disclosure


David: Next question is:


“William Tompkins urged us to get involved. How do you think we should get involved if we want to defeat the Draco and heal our society?”


Corey: It pretty much goes to each individual. Each individual has to do the personal work to make sure that they don't have karmic entanglements.


And we need to start focusing our intent, or our co-creative consciousness, on a positive outcome.


The more of us that do that, the easier it will be for us to attain a positive outcome.


And right now, we're seeing what Tear-Eir called the Great Awakening occur on our planet.


David: Well, “focus our intent” is sort of a general term. Could you maybe get a little more specific about what would “focusing our intent” look like?


Corey: It's just as simple as it sounds. Focus your intention and energy – thought energy – on a positive future for humanity and outcome.


The secret of their black magic is being able to drop some morbid details or ideas on us about a cataclysm or something that will happen.


They'll drop that into our consciousness and a lot of times what occurs is that we make it happen through our co-creative consciousness. We're manipulated.


David: So in a sense then, we have the power to steer this however we want.


Corey: We always have had the power. We've just been kept ignorant of it.


David: So why do the Draco then seem so compelling in what they're doing? If they're only doing what we allow them to do, why have they been so successful?


Corey: Because we've allowed them to do it. You know, we've given some sort of tacit agreement by not fighting it and by allowing ourselves to be manipulated.


David: If the Blue Avians said to you that we should get off of our knees, did they get more specific as to exactly what that means – that specific motif of standing up off of your knees?


Corey: Yeah. It means that we've been programmed as a species to be watching for someone or something to come and save us.


That is a part of the programming that keeps us ignorant of our co-creative abilities.


Once we realize our co-creative abilities, we realize we don't need a savior. We are the ones that we've been waiting for.

Anonymous ID: 9a3e84 May 18, 2018, 4:56 a.m. No.1455108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5112 >>5124 >>5126 >>5127

Bill Gates: Trump asked me the difference between HIV and HPV


President Donald Trump twice asked Bill Gates the difference between HPV and HIV, the Microsoft founder told an audience at a recent Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation meeting.


Gates recounted meeting Trump twice after he was elected president, once in December of 2016 and once the following March. He expressed mild incredulity at Trump's questions about two well-known viruses.


"Both times he wanted to know if there was a difference between HIV and HPV, so I was able to explain that those are rarely confused with each other."


A spokesperson for the White House was not immediately available for comment when contacted by CNBC.


Bill Gates in panic mode?

Anonymous ID: 9a3e84 May 18, 2018, 5:03 a.m. No.1455135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5233

White House comms purge likely imminent after leaks, senior staff warn in closed-door meetings


Following a week marked by damaging leaks and intense media scrutiny, rattled White House communications staffers have been told in closed-door meetings that a major purge is likely coming soon, Fox News has learned.


Many in the White House blame Chief of Staff John Kelly and Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway for failing to apologize for leaked comments made by communications aide Kelly Sadler about Sen. John McCain, four White House sources told Fox News.


Sadler was overheard talking about the Arizona Republican’s opposition to Trump’s pick to lead the CIA, Gina Haspel, saying that his opinion is irrelevant because "he’s dying anyway.” The comment came during a meeting of about two dozen White House communications staffers on Thursday morning.


The 81-year-old McCain was diagnosed in July with glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer.


The remark led to widespread criticism after it was reported last week, but no immediate public apology from Sadler or the White House – a blunder, according to some in the White House, that has allowed the controversy to fester for days. Sadler has called McCain's daughter, Meghan, to apologize.


The warnings about an imminent communications department purge were delivered by top officials, including Chief of Staff John Kelly and Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway, Fox News has confirmed.


Junior communications staffers nervous, scared, and disheartened after hearing about the possible shakeup coming soon, sources told Fox News.


Some in the White House tell Fox News that they believe administration bigwigs like Conway are in fact some of the worst leakers, leading junior staffers in the communications department to feel the warnings of an impending purge are unfair.