Anonymous ID: a5422c May 18, 2018, 4:14 a.m. No.1454941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4963


Canada is accused of FORCING the terminally ill into assisted death: Critically ill man says doctors are REFUSING him medical care but have offered to kill him… and he's not the only one

A terminally ill man in Canada filed a lawsuit claiming doctors are pressuring him to leave the hospital or allow a medically assisted death

Roger Foley filed the February 14 lawsuit against the hospital, several health agencies, the federal government and the Ontario government

Foley suffers from an incurable brain disorder called cerebellar ataxia, a condition which limits his ability to move his arms and legs

Because of his deteriorating condition, he qualifies for medically-assisted death but does not want to go through with it

Foley, instead, wants to go home under the care of providers he picks but he's not being allowed to do that

Foley said he's been told he was to use providers through contracted agencies because of past issues he does not trust them



Anonymous ID: a5422c May 18, 2018, 4:21 a.m. No.1454968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4979 >>5097 >>5233


The pic is from museum where shuttle is( someone with one of the phones, had a meeting there.


the Challenger picture you shared of Smith,( all of them, astronauts from challenger distaster have been spotted since then)

Anonymous ID: a5422c May 18, 2018, 4:36 a.m. No.1455024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Our UK anons should get some signs made, and red pill the masses during royal wedding.

People crowd the street sides with signs. Would be awesome to see some Q related signs on the world wide tv coverage.

Anonymous ID: a5422c May 18, 2018, 5:10 a.m. No.1455161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5215


FYI,, these people ( cabal) have families who are all involved.

They place people throughout society.

For example

A person who appears to be a low end, assistant or secretary( can actually be the master/handler) and a politician or star can appear to have alot of power( but they are only a puppet, a tool, slave, etc doing their masters bidding)

They have many arranged marriages for bloodline purpose, or for control of spouse who works in an industry they find important.


People sell themselves, and their children for money and favor with these people.


They have people they keep as pets( and their children are their playthings)

Like with Wendy and Obama( her grandmother was soap actress, and they trained their children to be used and abused by those with power)


The word conspiracy means, a bunch of different people, you would never expect, as being in on a large plan/ crime and covering it


Thats what they do, ( and those you step out of their narrative, or those who may expose them,, often have accidents( like people who died after LV shooting)


I'm sure they have things they can show/ scare people with, to get them into silence,, also MK Ultra, money finnacial bribes, threats against them, their children, family.


They have been doing it for hundreds of years.


I had heard before that cabal often controls many funeral homes/morgue/cremetoriums

( So they can dispose of bodies/sacrifices/children.)

And in places of power in towns, mayors, police, city councils.


The corruption from these people is deep.

Anonymous ID: a5422c May 18, 2018, 5:40 a.m. No.1455276   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i was just explaining about how the cabal, controls large groups of peoples/ families.


It was in relation to first part of what you said, about 7 families being involved.

I was just pointing out it is possible.

I did some digging before( looking at pictures of the people who look and have similar,, if not exact same name as those astonauts.


Astonishing coincidence they all look like their twins only older.


Also these people are good at acting and pretending to be nice, normal, good people( when really behind the scenes they are evil)


Just pointing out it could be possible, especially given what we now know.

Anonymous ID: a5422c May 18, 2018, 5:47 a.m. No.1455312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5317 >>5333 >>5353 >>5363




I know we did some light digs into Gates before,, but i think we should go full scope with a bright light up his ass,

He's deeply involved, and looks like a creep himself.


Bill Gates reveals he had to twice explain the difference between the HPV virus and HIV to Trump - as he says President knew a 'scary amount' about his showjumping daughter

President Trump asked Bill Gates to clarify the differences at two meetings

'I explained that those were rarely confused with each other', said Mr Gates

Mr Trump was considering a commission to look into the ill effects of vaccines

Gates also says Trump knew a 'scary' amount about his showjumping daughter

Jennifer Gates competed at Trump's Mar-a-Lago events in 2014 and 2015

