Is anyone watching the football game to see if we get any chants?
Most excellent. Maybe Cowboys fans can finally be good for something
Hang in there, anon. It is going to get rough, because they are fighting. But we are ready. If ALL you can do is hang on. then do that. If you can get involved locally, do that. Do what you can. We are here - we got this. Never give up
She knows what is coming. I will be watching her. She was JUST at Gitmo (still there?) reporting about the new facilities - judicial facilities. Why now? We are going to find out
Nope, native Texan. Ditched the Cowboys because they're disgusting since Jerry Jones came to town
Someone with zero power
Why would I care, pussy?
In Australia, the citizens aren't armed
I hope the NFL implodes
Wouldn't doubt it
Some would see Budan's announcements of today the first move. He will regret this - soon. A lot of people will be walking off the job tomorrow. There are places where that will REALLY hurt - air traffic controllers. Pilots. Nurses. Doctors. Garbage collectors. Janitors. Teachers.
Give it a little time - people are already punching back and we are just getting started. THIS will be Budan's Waterloo
Believe it or not, this move today is the best thing we could have hoped for from Biden. Now it is in the open. No more nuance or threats. He ripped off the bandaid and people are livid. Some will go along to get along. More will not. Everyone who wanted a vaccine already got one. He just threatened the livelihoods of everyone else
NEVER threaten the livelihood of people with kids - it is about to get ugly now. He is toast
May it get uncomfortable for a while? Yup.
Q TOLD us it would
Not yet. I think we will see martial law first. And orders to mil that will finally wake that sleeping giant. Hang on