Luntz the sissy faggot Jew pulled these numbers out his ass after removing his most special Rosh dreidel plug.
Enjoying the early-mid September buildup?
9/9 Biden with extreme over reach on corporate mandates
9/14 Newsom win (D's scared enuf to have niggers Obama/Harris attack Larry Elder.
9/18 jagoff's J6 march in DC - total FF shitshow w/ 2A implications
Weekly COVID horrors sprinkled in - pretend NCAA football spreader events, school kids in emergency rooms, Mu varian..
Q4 Goodies:
Add'l GITMO releases and $$$ for US hostages
Moderna CV/Annual Flu Super Vax unveilling
Market spiralling
Unemployment ending - when/ how will rent be paid - bailout coming
Creeping incrementalism.
Like when you gradually lose visual acuity and try someone's readers and exclaim when the fuck did I go blind?
Just 2 weeks to flatten the curve
Just 2 weeks to AZ results 10 months later
# of felonies niggers allowed to commit (5+ now)
A collection of little jew fee's:
at the ATM,
airlines charges,
cheeseburgers at restaurants $12.99+,
gas pump prices $1.86 when Obama took office,
bank charges,
firearm purchase regulations,
ammo cost,
utility costs,
$3 soda at restaurants,
Little by little