Not incompetence, purposely planned and implemented. The narrative in right mended American media is that Joe Biden and the democrats are incompetent and failing. They are not failing, they are succeeding. Gues who is failing.
Anon, the problem with this assessment is that it solely relies on rational, logical thought and common sense. One of the tactics created by the Frankfurt School professors was, "constant change to cause confusion". CDC has employed this tactic, Fauci has employed this tactic as has the MSDNC and a slew of other fellow travelers.
As for shaming. THe only person who can shame me…………….is me. Any and all other who calim they can shame me for whatever fucking reason they desire? Can go FUCK THEMSELVES. I give not one rats ass what these sub human pieces of shit think. Period.
Um………………..he thinks his patience is wearing thin? That motherfucker can get in line behind the other 100 million people. Fuck him, fuck the people who support him and fuck them again.
Well, they've tried their damnest to get Patriots to start it. The level of provocation is unpreceented and so far, no one has bit. So, Xi is getting impatient. Going to use force? Okay.