A better question might be "why do you want to listen to him?"
Are we watching a long con? Is this movie like "The Sting"? Think mirror.
Let's say the DS had a virus and they were going to kill us with it. Zero intention of a vaccine. Only, the virus is intercepted and replaced with a common cold virus or even nothing at all. The white hats let the ridiculous narrative play out and pretend to develop a vaccine. The DS is totally confused now. They know there is no vaccine, but of course they can't admit it. They literally have to play along. The DS finally gets accused of making the lethal virus, and now they are in a real pickle. What do they say? There is no virus? It was their plan. The playbook is completely blown up.
This is a first draft.
Funny you should mention that. They pulled the datasets from VAERS. The dataset for 2020/21 appears to have been created in 2018.
There were some signs he might not be so white hat. I can't remember. I used to listen as well.