You can work that out yourself faster than it took me to call you a lazy twat.
Article Five Constitutional Convention
Guard discussing vaccination options with an officer I guess.
Do you like the game the way it is.
Playing musical chairs won't fix it.
The game needs to be nuked from orbit.
The choice to know will be yours.
Tell me how any national action can occur publicly, and we can still choose to know (or not).
And Roswell
Well Q did say done in 30
Area 51 in Nevada at Groom Lake is what you are thinking of Anon. Bob Lazar fame.
Roswell is a farmtown in New Mexico where an alleged alien spacecraft crashed in 1947.
He's up to his balls in Wexner world.
Take him to court.
Let us know if it gets beyond "They spied on muh campaign"
He's letting Xi know we will have to stand down in Taiwan because half the military just quit.
They have been actively undermining the military since Vietnam.
Bitchute? So it didn't make ABC/CBS/NBC/Faux yet?
He did manage to say Jew four times and Boomer too!
He's like a chimp with Tourettes.
They don't die all at once.
Ten, twenty years from now.
But they'll all be sterile so no moar white babies for Mr Xi to have to overthrow.
Fuck Off Gary
You cant kill bad guys using babies?