Applying to leave?
Sorry your application has been denied.
Of the 332,810 who have applied to the Australian Border Force for an exemption to leave Australia since that day, 122,131 were refused, which is more than a third.
Of those, 63,437 seeking to leave on compassionate grounds were refused, according to the Australian Border Force's latest Monthly Travel Exemptions Processing Report.
CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins]
A record number of Australians are trying to escape the country.
Australian border force is rejecting up to 15,000 applicants a month.
Australia is the test grounds for what the NWO hopes to implement world wide.
Stand your ground.
Imagine this scene:
Boat peoplefleeing Australia, risking it all to make it to Indonesia or Malaysia.
It could happen!
It is one thing for a country to restrict who can get IN. Maybe they don't want terrorists or sick people from Africa, etc.
It is quite another thing for a country to restrict who can LEAVE. What commie bullshit is that? Oh we don't want you to be a burden on the country you are traveling to…. But that is definitely where all this is heading. Anon has been reading the warnings for years on financial planning sites. Many will recommend things like trusts and second passports precisely for this reason, that when calamity comes and markets implode, [they] will want to keep you and your assets from leaving. Oh they will make up excuses why you need to stay, like Muh Covid. But the bottom line is they don't want to lose their brightest people.
Keep a weather eye out Anons. Watch Australia for what may be coming next to the US.
Constitutional Convention:A duly constituted assembly of delegates or representatives of the people of a state or nation for the purpose of framing, revising, or amending its constitution. Basically it re-writes a constution.
Article V Convention of States:A procedural process within the Constitution for amending it, within the frame of the constution itself.
Opponents of Con-Con say it is too risky. Basically throwing out the constitution and starting over. Opponents of Con-States say it cannot hope to ever really fix the problems because the players are already compromised.