Biden is committed to restarting the permawar. No way. Cancel the gangster empire and leave heliogabalus under the latrine.
Nxivm co-founder Nancy Salzman sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison
There is nothing right about you, Hillary.
All that matters is who directed it and why. You are just blowing smoke.
Same owners and Judases as the fake news. Only difference is the Schwartzes launder crisis actors payola by using them to do fake radio news stories. Same as "local" fake news. The wannabe be shills at the bottom are so greedy and dim, they give it all away.
It's a goddamn miracle. No Way Out
The gangsters impeached Trump over the blatantly false testimony of corrupt swine. RNC was just as paid off, to let it happen. Fire them all. Start over.
Do it for yourself. Feels good.
[[[They]]] had to eliminate Patton and MacArthur to install Eisenhower. Monty was in on it. Churchhill poisoned FDR to reneg on the post-war deal they made about liberating all the colonies in exchange for bringing the USA in. The result was the clusterfucks in China, Korea, Vietnam, Africa and most of the Mena, right up to now. All the still "protectorates" of the realm.
None of the Permawar, UN tax slavery, even the MSM was possible without the "Federal Reserve" coup d'etat.