It’s 9/11 Eve. Will anyone special come down the chimney today/tonight? Will anything significant occur?
All I want for 9/11 is the truth be told. The truth be told yes the truth be told. All I want for 9/11 is that truth be told. And then we’ll have. Merry Christmas!
I don’t want it to spill out or ooze out. I want it to goddamn ejaculate out like when truth was 22 years old!
Come on truth. It’s coming. It’s going to come. Oooh. Truth! It’s coming,coming, coming…
He can’t come. He’s dead. Dinja hear? We lay him Gently, gently down in the ocean. Yea right.
I KNOW that. I was being facetious! Someone on this site predicted disclosure about 9/11 today. I pray that is true.
Can Elder even attempt to win what With all the Cali Corruption?
I’m a little muddled. Why select pugilism as a site for truth?
Why? Did joo use google?
Hmm board seems stuck.
In her sting!