>Lincoln would be dazzled by what we are doing.
Perhaps, but Q (team) must be deeply disappointed in us. We were admonished repeatedly about being United, not Divided. "They" want us divided and they have constructed an exquisite tool to do this with the covid hoax, vaccinations, and the fog of mis and dis information surrounding it.
It's very basic. We have a small cabal of nihilist's obsessed with their generational wealth and power. Though small in number, they have infiltrated the top tier where it counts.
"We", as a people have fallen into the traps they have laid for us. We are divided like never before. Nation against nation, race against race, religion against religion, men against women, conservatives against progressives, and now the ultimate coup d grace, beloved family members divided by vaccinations, of all things.
Instead of falling into this divisive trap, we should ALL be UNITED in OUTRAGE against the few who are causing all of this. The vaxxed and unvaxxed alike should UNITE against them, for if we don't, we will be like lemmings driven into the sea by our fear.