Anonymous ID: 14d3d1 May 18, 2018, 6:29 a.m. No.1455486   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well this is weird.


FBI Director’s Statement May Imply Contact with ETs

Paul Seaburn June 13, 2017

While everyone else was looking for hints on what’s been going on between the Trump administration and Russia, the UFO community was excited about something former FBI director James Comey said during his Senate testimony that had nothing to do with politics.


… I have had many conversations with humans over the years …


That’s right, the former FBI director gave Senator John McCain that strange answer to a question about a conversation he had with the president. Ears perked up across the country on anyone with a conspiracy gear in their brain. Why did Comey add those two words … ‘with humans’? Has he had other conversations with non-humans? Was he leaking (again?) that some U.S. or world leaders he’s had conversations with were aliens … possibly reptilians? If David Icke was playing a drinking game involving doing shots every time someone hinted at the existence of reptilians, he probably ordered a triple for that one.

OK, you say, maybe Comey was making a little joke. Really? Does he look like the kind of guy who jokes around? He majored in chemistry and religion before getting his law degree and at one time helped prosecute the Gambino mafia family.


All right, he’s not a joker. Has he ever indicated an interest in UFOs, aliens or X-files? Well, there’s that period from 2005 to 2010 when Comey the General Counsel and Senior Vice President for Lockheed Martin. Yes, THAT Lockheed Martin. The one with the Skunk Works and the secret manufacturing and testing at Area 51. Why didn’t Senator McCain, or any other senator for that matter, ask him about THAT? To his credit, McCain did bring up Hillary Clinton in the next question. Was he bringing up emails or was he doing his own sly hinting at her and John Podesta’s own promises to release classified UFO documents if elected?


Are those dots too far apart to connect? Here’s one that’s even farther out. Some people speculate that the 6-foot-8 Comey, who seemed to tower over everyone in pictures of the hearing and his meetings at the White House, may actually be a tall white alien in disguise. Remember the story from 2014 from the Iranian news agency FARS that a document leaked by Edward Snowden indicated that tall white space aliens have taken over the United States? Is Comey one of them? If he’s not, maybe all of those others are so short because they‘re small grey aliens in disguise. OK, that dot may be WAY too far out.

Or is it? In 2016, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said this in an interview:


I have gathered and listened to several leaders from other planets.


Was this really a mistranslation as some have suggested or another security slip? Is he someone else who has to remember to differentiate between conversations with humans and aliens?


Is this another cover-up that’s slowly crumbling under scrutiny? Will this drive Trump to be the first president to open the UFO files?


Dots farther apart than these have already been connected. Stranger things have already happened. Is disclosure next?

Anonymous ID: 14d3d1 May 18, 2018, 6:35 a.m. No.1455525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And this is even more weird


Jan 13, 2014 @ 11:08 PM 906,914


Iran Says 'Tall, White' Space Aliens Control America


Documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the United States has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.


These revelations about our alien overlords might not cost you any sleep. But the part that should concern you a tad is that the UFO story was just published by the Fars News Agency, the English-language news service of Iran, a nation that may be very close to acquiring nuclear weapons.


This being a crazy conspiracy theory, naturally the Russians are behind it. The alleged alien invasion was revealed in an alleged report by Russia's FSB spy agency, which found "incontrovertible proof' that an 'alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda' is driving U.S. domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945," said the Iranian news service.

Fars apparently got the story from a hard-core conspiracy site called Here is the gist of the story as best I understand it (or as the alien mind-control lasers allow me to understand it):


Snowden, who has been given asylum in Russia, leaked documents that a race of extraterestrial "tall whites" arrived on Earth, helped Nazi Germany build a fleet of advanced submarines in the 1930s, and then met in 1954 with President Dwight Eisenhower "where the 'secret regime' currently ruling over America was established."


"Most disturbingly, this FSB report warns, is that the 'Tall White' agenda being implemented by the 'secret regime' ruling the United States calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth as they enter into what one of Snowden’s documents calls the 'final phase' of their end plan for total assimilation and world rule."

Meanwhile, the U.S. government is embroiled in a "cataclysmic" power struggle between President Obama, who heads the alien shadow government, and some unknown force that opposed the U.S.-alien alliance. "Most to be feared by Russian policy makers and authorities, this [FSB] report concludes, is if those opposing the 'Tall White' 'secret regime' ruled over by Obama have themselves aligned with another alien-extraterrestrial power themselves."


Any good conspiracy theory needs a patina of truth, a bit of intellectual cover to camouflage the craziness. In this case, the story cites Paul Hellyer, the 1960s Canadian defense minister who is now a fervent UFO activist.


This is almost a funny story, until one remembers that Iran is a moderately powerful nation of 76 million people, with a possible nuclear arsenal, relatively large conventional military power, extensive terrorist capabilities through its intelligence agencies and Hezbollah, and a fundamentalist government that could easily engage in hostilities against the U.S. Laugh if you will at conspiracy theories, but they offer explanatory value for their believers, a way of making sense of why things happen, even if it is a funhouse-mirror explanation of the world. The Fars News Agency is reportedly affiliated with Iran's influential Revolutionary Guards, which suggests that either Iran is either desperate to smear the U.S. any way it can, or there indeed is a very peculiar view of U.S. politics at the highest levels of the Iranian government.


If there is a bright spot to this as well as a funny bone, it's that the goal of U.S. policy is to contain and neutralize Iranian influence. So, perhaps it's not necessarily a bad thing that Tehran thinks its main adversary is backed by the power of space aliens. It's good to have friends in high places, even if they have two heads.